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Sceaux hosts two public high schools, the lycée Marie Curie ( enrollment 2, 000 ) and the lycée Lakanal ( enrollment 3, 000 ).
The lycée Lakanal was named after a French politician, and an original member of the Institut de France, Joseph Lakanal and has remained one of the most prestigious and hardest schools of Île-de-France.
The school also offers a middle school and highly ranked " classes préparatoires " undergraduate training.
Famous French scientists and writers have graduated from lycée Lakanal, such as the Nobel Prize Maurice Allais, Jean Giraudoux, Alain-Fournier and Frédéric Joliot-Curie.
The Faculté Jean Monnet, the college of Law and Management of University of Paris-XI ( Orsay ), and the Institut Universitaire de Technologie of this university are also located in Sceaux.

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