
from Wikipedia
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Schenkerian analysis is a subjective, not an objective, method.
This means that there is no mechanical procedure for arriving at an analysis for a given piece of music ; rather, the analysis reflects the musical intuitions of the analyst.
Therefore, this form of analysis is more art criticism than science.
The analysis represents a way of hearing a piece of music.
Schenker himself was certain that a tonal masterpiece contains an inner truth – content, although few are sufficiently gifted to appreciate it.
Although it is a subject of debate among music theorists whether there is a single correct hearing and analysis of a piece of tonal music, even those who hold that there is a unique correct analysis agree that the analysis can only be arrived at and evaluated subjectively by an expert listener.
Therefore learning how to do Schenkerian analysis is above all else learning a way of hearing and understanding tonal music, and it requires study and practice just as learning to play an instrument does.

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