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For instance, the 2009 documentary Cat Ladies tells the stories of four spinsters whose lives have become dedicated to their cats.
Many classic and modern films have depicted stereotypical spinster characters.
The fictional character Bridget Jones often refers to herself as a spinster in the film Bridget Jones ' Diary.
In the classic Now, Voyager ( 1942 ), Bette Davis portrayed Charlotte Vale, an unattractive, overweight, repressed spinster whose life is dominated by her dictatorial mother, an aristocratic Boston dowager whose verbal and emotional abuse of her daughter has contributed to the woman's complete lack of self-confidence.
She played another spinster named Charlotte in Hush ... Hush, Sweet Charlotte ( 1964 ).
Katharine Hepburn specialized in playing spinsters in the 1950s such as Rosie in The African Queen ( 1951 ), Jane Hudson in Summertime ( 1955 ), and Lizzie in The Rainmaker ( 1956 ).
A common theme in the fiction writings of author / poet Sandra Cisneros is marital disillusionment ; she has written the poem " Old Maids " ( 1994 ).
Paul McCartney composed a hit song " Eleanor Rigby " in 1966 about the loneliness and death of a spinster.
Tina Fey's portrayal of her character Liz Lemon, on the hit NBC series 30 Rock, exemplifies another classic spinster stereotype.
Lemon, a 40-something single woman whose relationships never seem to work out, has unrealistically high expectations of what she is looking for in a man: Her dream husband is the archetypal " Astronaut Mike Dexter ", and for much of the series her character is holding out on settling on a man until she can score an astronaut.

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