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* Lieutenant Alyssa Ogawa is a human female.
Like Riker and Troi, Alyssa Ogawa served for a number of years on both the Enterprises, having begun her Starfleet service aboard the Enterprise-D as an Ensign and nurse under Dr. Beverly Crusher in 2367.
At the recommendation of Crusher, she was promoted to Lieutenant junior grade in 2370 and became a senior sickbay staffmember as Head Nurse.
She would report to the command staff of the vessel in Crusher's absence.
She also married Lt. Andrew Powell in the same year, and the two had a son.
Powell was killed during the Battle of Rigel during the Dominion War, and though Ogawa did transfer to the Enterprise-E, she readily took the opportunity to leave the vessel with her son and serve within the Titan < nowiki >'</ nowiki > s sickbay.

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