
from Wikipedia
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Due to his training in three Japanese lineages, Maezumi employed both Rinzai koan study and Sōtō shikantaza (' just sitting ') in his teaching curriculum — an approach developed by his teacher Hakuun Yasutani.
He was known to be especially strict about the posture of his students while sitting zazen.
Father Robert Kennedy recalls, " Maezumi Roshi was so adamant in his insistence that we sit well that he advised us not to sit at all if we were not attentive to form.
" Maezumi used a range of koans from different Zen traditions, including the Blue Cliff Record, the Gateless Gate, The Transmission of Light, and the Book of Equanimity.
According to author and Dharma Successor Gerry Shishin Wick, Maezumi was also fond of a particular saying —" appreciate your life.
" This also is the title of a compiled book of teachings by Maezumi, published by Shambhala Publications.
In it Maezumi says, " I encourage you.
Please enjoy this wonderful life together.
Appreciate the world just this!
There is nothing extra.
Genuinely appreciate your life as the most precious treasure and take good care of it.

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