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The speaker of the House of Representatives is the presiding officer of the House.
The speaker is elected to a two-year term at the beginning of the 1st half in each Session of the Tennessee General Assembly.
Additionally, the speaker is second in line for succession to the governorship, after the Speaker of the Tennessee Senate, in the event of such need.
The speaker appoints members to all committees as well.
Even though the speaker does not have to make committee assignments proportional to the party composition, usually that discretion is used when determining such.
Usually consideration to the abilities, preferences, party representation, and seniority of the members are taken into consideration.
The chairperson, vice chairperson, and secretary of each committee also are chosen by the speaker and must be given the same considerations in their selection.
The speaker is a voting member of all standing committees of the House, as is the speaker pro tempore.
The speaker also serves as co-chairperson of the Joint Legislative Services Committee and must approve, in concurrence with the speaker of the Senate, the directors of the offices of Legislative Information Services, Legal Services, Legislative Administration and Legislative Budget Analysis.
Additionally, is in charge of all facilities, professional and clerical staff, custodians and security personnel of the House.

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