
from Wikipedia
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" And when the beast had taken the quarter of the earth under its rule ..." is probably a reference to the 25 % market share Firefox had gained over the more popular Internet Explorer.
" Birds of Sulfur " references the developmental codename of Flock, which is Sulfur.
The " mountain views " references the city of Mountain View, California where the company that produces Flock was based at the time of writing.
The " 24 wise men " refer to the 24 staff employees of Flock at that time.
The " stars " refer to the star used in the branding (" Flockstar ").
As this verse is new ( version 1. 0 was released 5 November 2007 ), much of the meaning is still unclear, though " they took their pens and dared to create " most likely references to the fact of a lot of blogging, and social networking integration to Flock.
The section " Finally, they dared to share their deed with the whole of mankind.
" could possibly be making a reference to the fact that it is open source, and that they shared their good deed ( their creation of the browser ) with the world.

1.827 seconds.