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Director Edward Zwick had met with Arab Americans, who suggested that the story be changed to mirror the aftermath of the Oklahoma City bombing, when Arabs were immediately assumed responsible.
This idea was rejected.
Zwick noted that The Sieges villains also include members of the U. S. government, and dismissed the criticism, saying, " Anytime you talk about issues that touch on religion of any kind, you can anticipate this kind of reaction.
Should we only present every group as paragons and monoliths of virtue?
The movie inspires to engender this kind of dialogue.
I happen to come from the school that thinks that movies should not only make you uncomfortable, they might make you think.
… You can anticipate any kind of reaction in these times in which sensitivity seems very high in the culture.
I have a friend who says, if you've not offended somebody, you're a nobody.
… How does it feel to be a lightning rod?
It gets the blood going.
I think it's better than being universally ignored.
In a culture where there seems to be so much to talk about, it's good to be talked about.

2.061 seconds.