
from Wikipedia
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Even though they are still considered a single species, the humans of the 26th century appear to be a race at the threshold of evolutionary divergence.
They have spread to the rest of the solar system, colonising the many planets, moons and planetoids within the influence of their sun.
A belligerent, persistent and aggressive species, they have risen to each challenge presented by their dozens of new homes, building stations, fortresses and cities wherever the space can be found, and even undergoing genetic treatment in order to better adapt to their worlds.
A great deal of animosity that shares elements of both racism and national pride exists between the colonists and the humans that chose to remain on Earth.
Smith, upon encountering the V. C. s, observed in his diary that his comrades were all ' half-castes ', while his father, upon seeing Jupe on a vid-screen was surprised to see a ' real, live Jovian ' and described him as an ' ugly-lookin ' fish '.
Conversely, the V. C. s, all colonists from different worlds, often used the term ' earthworm ' to describe Smith and his compatriots.

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