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These powers were elaborated upon from 2005.
The Doctor is seen using this method to query a cat about the goings-on of the flat in " The Lodger ".
In " A Good Man Goes to War " and " Closing Time " he is apparently able to even understand babies.
In " The Girl in the Fireplace ", the Tenth Doctor reads the mind of Madame de Pompadour -- and in the process, to his surprise, she is able to read his mind as well.
In Paul Cornell's Virgin New Adventures novel Love and War, the Doctor uses a similar method to read the mind of his companion Bernice Summerfield.
In The End of Time the Master uses the same technique, allowing the Doctor to hear the drumming sound the Master constantly hears.
The Doctor later displays his telepathic communion powers in " Fear Her " and in " The Shakespeare Code ", where by using his mind melding technique he is partially able to relieve a man of his mental illness as he traces back through his memories.
In " Planet of the Ood ", he seems able to temporarily confer some degree of telepathy on his companion Donna Noble, so that she can hear the telepathic song of the Ood.
When she is unable to bear the song, the Doctor removes the ability.

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