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" Desperately Xeeking Xena " was written by staff writer Long.
At the beginning of the segment, Milhouse is seen wearing a plastic smock with a picture of Radioactive Man on it.
The scene was based on an experience in Long's childhood ; " I asked my mom for a Batman costume.
And I got a smock that had Batman on it and said ' Batman '.
It was very dispiriting " he said in the episode's DVD commentary.
" Stretch Dude & Clobber Girl "' s theme song was written by Long and composed by Alf Clausen.
During the sequence, Stretch Dude and Clobber Girl are seen assaulting Saddam Hussein, the fifth President of Iraq.
According to Long, the writing staff had a " passionate " discussion about whether the duo would be attacking Hussein or Iranian religious leader and politician Ruhollah Khomeini during the sequence.
Scully quipped that Hussein was chosen because " he was always asking to be on the show.
" The segment features New Zealand actress Lucy Lawless as herself.
According to Long, Lawless was very happy with the segment's script.
She was especially fond of the speech she gives to The Collector, in which she mentions that she was very tall as an adolescent.
Lawless was directed by Scully, who commented that she was " terrific ".
In an interview with the Hungarian online newspaper Origo, Lawless said that her part in the episode was the best experience she had guest-starring for a show.
" It was really funny when the Comic Book Guy kidnapped me ", she said.

2.077 seconds.