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The term Unitarian entered the English language via Henry Hedworth in relation to the teachings of Laelio Sozzini and the Polish Socinians.
Unitarian churches were formally established in Transylvania and Poland ( by the Socinians ) in the second half of the 16th Century.
The early Unitarian church not only rejected the Trinity, but also the pre-existence of Christ as well, in many cases, predestination and original sin as put forward by Augustine of Hippo, and the substitutionary atonement of Christ developed by Anselm of Canterbury and John Calvin.
There were several different forms of Christology in the beginnings of the Unitarian movement ; ultimately, the variety that became prevalent was that Jesus was a man, but one with a unique relationship to God.
These Unitarian thinkers and groups have gone by many names, including Anti-trinitarianism.

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