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For fathers, the position is less generous.
To redress the balance between how much of child raising each partner bears, under the Additional Paternity Leave Regulations 2010 it will be possible for a women to transfer up to 26 weeks of her leave entitlements to her male partner.
Otherwise the Paternity and Adoption Leave Regulations 2002 state that a man is entitled to a minimum of just 2 weeks off, at the statutory rate of pay.
Both parents may also benefit from " parental leave " provisions in the MPLR 1999, passed after the Parental Leave Directive.
Until a child turns 5, or a disabled child turns 18, parents can take up to 13 weeks unpaid leave.
Unless there is another collective agreement in place, employees should give 21 days notice, no more than 4 weeks in a year, at least 1 week at a time, and the employer can postpone the leave for 6 months if business would be unduly disrupted.
Otherwise similar provisions apply on employees not suffering detriment or dismissal and having a right to their previous jobs back.
" Emergency leave " is, under ERA 1996 section 57A, available for employees to deal with birth or a child's issues at school, as well as other emergencies such as dependents ' illness or death, so long as the employee informs the employer as soon as reasonably practicable.
In Qua v John Ford Morrison Solicitors Cox J emphasised that there is no requirement to deliver daily updates.

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