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After 326 performances, Leigh finished her run.
However, she was soon engaged for the film version.
Her irreverent and often bawdy sense of humour allowed her to establish a rapport with her co-star Marlon Brando ; but she had difficulty with director Elia Kazan, who did not hold her in high regard as an actress.
He later commented that " she had a small talent "; but, as work progressed, he became " full of admiration " for " the greatest determination to excel of any actress I've known.
She'd have crawled over broken glass if she thought it would help her performance.
" Leigh found the role gruelling and commented to the Los Angeles Times, " I had nine months in the theatre of Blanche DuBois.
Now she's in command of me.
" Olivier accompanied her to Hollywood where he was to co-star in William Wyler's Carrie.

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