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While Ethnic Koreans make up only 0. 5 % of the Japanese population, they are a prominent part of yakuza, despite or perhaps because they suffer severe discrimination in Japanese society alongside the burakumin.
In the early 1990s, 18 of 90 top bosses of Inagawa-kai were ethnic Koreans.
The Japanese National Police Agency suggested Koreans composed 10 % along with 70 % of burakumin in Yamaguchi-gumi.
Some of the representatives of the designated Bōryokudan are also.
The Korean significance had been an untouchable taboo in Japan and one of the reasons that the Japanese version of Kaplan and Dubro's Yakuza ( 1986 ) had not been published until 1991 with deletion of Korean-related description such as the component of Yamaguchi-gumi.

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