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On May 3 – 4, 2006, a series of demonstrations protested the forcible removal of irregular flower vendors from a lot in Texcoco for the construction of a Walmart branch.
The protests turned violent when state police and the Federal Preventive Police bussed in some 5, 000 agents to San Salvador Atenco and the surrounding communities.
A local organization called the People's Front in Defense of the Land ( FPDT ), which adheres to the Sixth Declaration, called in support from other regional and national adherent organizations.
" Delegate Zero " and his " Other Campaign " were at the time in nearby Mexico City, having just organized May Day events there, and quickly arrived at the scene.
The following days were marked by violence, with some 216 arrests, over 30 rape and sexual abuse accusations against the police, five deportations, and one casualty, a 14-year-old boy named Javier Cortes shot by a policeman.
A 20-year-old UNAM economics student, Alexis Benhumea, died the morning of June 7, 2006, after being in a coma caused by a blow to the head from a police-launched tear-gas grenade.
Most of the resistance organizing was done by the EZLN and Sixth Declaration adherents, and Delegate Zero has stated that the " Other Campaign " tour will be temporarily halted until all prisoners are released.

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