
from Brown Corpus
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For several months now, Jack Carter, a big overgrown boy of fifteen with a fuzzy, pimpled face and greenish catlike eyes with a lot of red in them, had been haunted by a dream, a vision, of a Woman.
This Woman had no distinct shape or size and no particular face, but she radiated warmth, a sweet warmth ; ;
she would talk to him in a soothing voice about things his mother would have said were not nice and put her hands on him and kiss him passionately.
When she would do these things, he would turn blind for an instant and become sick at his stomach.
Then he would run to the toilet behind the house.
Sometimes he did this three or four times a day, for this Woman was almost always with him.
He would feel ashamed each time and wonder whether his mother and father knew -- thinking they might see it in his eyes or smell it on him.
But they never said anything, so he figured it was all right.

1.806 seconds.