
from Brown Corpus
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All of Adams' work reflects this dogmatic characteristic.
No page seems to be complete without the statement of at least one unproved generalization.
One example of this was his assertion that `` all servile revolts must be dealt with by physical force ''.
There is no explanation of terms nor a qualification that most such revolts have been dealt with by force -- only a bald dogmatism that they must, because of some undefined compulsion, be so repelled.
On matters of race he was similarly inflexible: `` Most of the modern Latin races seem to have inherited the rigidity of the Roman mind ''.
He cites the French Revolution as typifying this rigidity but makes no mention of the Italians, who have been able to adapt to all types of circumstances.
He pontificates that `` one of the first signs of advancing civilization is the fall in the value of women in men's eyes ''.
It made no difference that most evidence points to an opposite conclusion.
For Adams had made up his mind before all the facts were available.

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