
from Brown Corpus
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Hence government must establish greater controls upon corporations so that their activities promote what is deemed essential to the national interest.
Proprietorships should get the tax advantages now accruing to corporations, e.g. the chance to accumulate capital so vital for growth.
Corporations should pay added taxes, to be used for educational purposes ( not necessarily of the formal type ).
The right to leave legacies should be substantially reduced and ultimately eliminated.
To perpetuate wealth control led by small groups of individuals who played no role in its creation prevents those with real initiative from coming to the fore, and is basically anti-democratic.
When the proprietor dies, the establishment should become a corporation until it is either acquired by another proprietor or the government decides to drop it.
Strikes should be declared illegal against corporations because disagreements would have to be settled by government representatives acting as controllers of the corporation whose responsibility to the state would now be defined against proprietorship because employees and proprietors must be completely interdependent, as they are each a part of the whole.
Strikes threatening the security of the proprietorship, if internally motivated, prevent a healthy relationship.
Certainly external forces should not be applied arbitrarily out of mere power available to do so.
If we cannot stop warfare in our own economic system, how can we expect to abolish it internationally??

1.885 seconds.