
from Brown Corpus
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There are of course many Souths ; ;
but for this discussion the most important division is between those who have been reconstructed and those who haven't.
My definition of this much abused adjective is that a reconstructed rebel is one who is glad that the North won the War.
Nobody knows how many Southerners there are in this category.
I suspect that there are far more unreconstructed ones than the North likes to believe.
I never heard of a poll being taken on the question.
No doubt such a thing would be considered unpatriotic.
Prior to 1954 I imagine that a majority of Southerners would have voted against the Confederacy.
Since the Supreme Court's decision of that year this is more doubtful ; ;
and if a poll had been taken immediately following the dispatch of troops to Little Rock I believe the majority would have been for the Old South.

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