
from Brown Corpus
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A 6-year study of the transport properties of air at elevated temperatures has been completed.
This project was carried out under sponsorship of the Ballistic Missile Division of the Air Research and Development Command, U.S. Air Force, and had as its goal the investigation of the transport by diffusion of the heat energy of chemical binding.
A significant effect discovered during the study is the existence of Prandtl numbers reaching values of more than unity in the nitrogen dissociation region.
Another effect discovered is the large coefficient of thermal diffusion tending to separate nitrogen from the oxygen when temperature differences straddling the nitrogen dissociation region are present.
The results of the study, based on collision integrals computed from the latest critically evaluated data on intermolecular forces in air, will be reported in the form of a table of viscosity, thermal conductivity, thermal diffusion, and diffusion coefficients at temperatures of 1,000 to 10,000 Af and of logarithm of pressure in atmospheres from Af to Af times normal density.
International cooperative activities.

2.163 seconds.