
from Brown Corpus
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For Sam Rayburn never forgot Bonham, his home community, and he never forgot Texas.
In the same way I like to think we owe our loyalty as legislators to our community, our district, our State.
And, if we follow the Rayburn pattern, as consciously or by an instinctual political sense I like to think I have followed it, then the very nature of our loyalty to our own immediate areas must necessarily be reflected in the devotion of our services to our country.
For what Sam Rayburn's life in this House teaches us is that loyalty and character are not divisive and there is no such thing as being for your country and neglecting your district.
There is no such thing as being diligent about national affairs but indifferent about home needs.
The two are as one.
This may not be the greatest but it certainly comes close to being the greatest lesson Sam Rayburn's career, up to this hour, teaches all of us who would aspire to distinction in political life under our processes of government.

2.280 seconds.