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Dana's System Of Mineralogy
Six editions of James Dwight Dana's System appeared between 1837 and 1892.
In 1915 Edward S. Dana, editor of the sixth edition, asked W. E. Ford of Yale University to prepare a seventh edition of his father's work.
A number of people became involved in the preparation but work was slow until 1937.
In that year a grant was obtained from the Penrose Fund of the Geological Society of America to finance additional full-time workers.
Money was also advanced by the publishers, John Wiley & Sons, Inc..
Volume 1, was completed in 1941 and published in 1944.
The editors of this volume and Volume 2, were the late Charles Palache, Clifford Frondel, and the late Harry Berman, all of Harvard University.
Work on Volume 2, was begun in 1941, interrupted by the war in 1942, and resumed in 1945.
The volume was completed in 1950 and published in 1951.
A supplementary grant from the Geological Society of America helped finance its publication.
Besides the editors there were many contributors in the United States and Great Britain to Volumes 1, and 2.
W. E. Ford, for example, continued to supply data on the occurrence of minerals until his death in 1939.
Volume 3, is nearing completion and there are plans to revise Volume 1.
The project is currently supported by Harvard University.
Crystallographic, physical, optical, and chemical properties.
The crystallographic data given include interaxial angles and unit cell dimensions ; ;
the physical property values include hardness, melting point, and specific gravity.
Sources of data:
Almost entirely original articles in journals ; ;

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