
from Brown Corpus
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The first known telephone line in Manchester was established in July 1883 between Burr and Manley's store at Manchester Depot and the Kent and Root Marble Company in South Dorset.
This was extended the following year to include the railroad station agent's office and Thayer's Hotel at Factory Point.
In November 1887 a line connecting several dwelling houses in Dorset was extended to Manchester Depot.
Telephone wires from Louis Dufresne's house in East Manchester to the Dufresne lumber job near Bourn Pond were up about 1895.
Eber L. Taylor of Manchester Depot recorded the setting of phone poles in East Dorset and Barnumville in his diary for 1906.
These must have been for local calls strictly, as in May 1900 the `` only long distance telephone '' in town was transferred from C. B. Carleton's to Young's shoe store.

1.949 seconds.