
from Brown Corpus
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He did more than that.
He revealed the potential value of the `` cut '' as the basic technique in the art of the film.
Cutting, of course, takes place automatically in the creation of a film.
The meaning of the word is quite physical, to begin with.
The physical film is cut with a knife at the end of one complete sequence, and the cut edge is joined physically, by cement, to the cut edge of the beginning of the next sequence.
If, as a home movie maker, you shoot the inevitable footage of your child taking its first steps, you have merely recorded an historical event.
If, in preparing that shot for the inevitable showing to your friends, you interrupt the sequence to paste in a few frames of the child's grandmother watching this event, you have begun to be an artist in film ; ;
you are employing the basic technique of film ; ;
you are cutting.

2.276 seconds.