
from Brown Corpus
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You cannot get along without an adequate supply of pure water.
If you are considering a part-time farm where the water must be provided by a well, find out if there is a good well on the farm or the probable cost of having one drilled.
A pond may provide adequate water for livestock and garden.
Pond water can be filtered for human use, but most part-time farmers would not want to go to so much trouble.
The following amounts of water are needed per day for livestock and domestic uses.
Topography and soil
Is the land suited to the crops you intend to raise??
If you can't tell, get help from your county agricultural agent or other local specialist.
Soil type, drainage, or degree of slope can make the difference between good crops and poor ones.
Small areas that aren't right for a certain crop may lie next to areas that are well suited to that crop.
The house
Will the house on any part-time farm you are considering make a satisfactory full-time residence??
How much will it cost to do any necessary modernizing and redecorating??
If the house is not wired adequately for electricity or if plumbing or a central heating system must be installed, check into the cost of making these improvements.

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