
from Brown Corpus
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It was not, whatever tale was told by tails.
Martha presumably would cope.
She might be firm.
It was most unlikely that she would be firm.
They want to be fat cats, Pam thought, and lighted a cigarette and leaned back on a chaise and considered pulling her thoughts together.
After a time, it occurred to her that her thoughts were not worth the trouble.
A vague feeling that Anthony Payne had had it coming was hardly a thought and was, in any event, reprehensible.
Had Faith Constable's explanation of her confidence, so uninvited, been a little thin??
That was more like a thought, but not a great deal more.
Had that tall dark boy, carrying trays too heavy for him, found what he might have considered adulation of a man he probably hated more than he could bear??
And possessed himself -- how??
-- of a rifle and killed??
Pam found she had no answers ; ;
had only a hope.
The poor kid -- the poor, frail kid.
Some people have luck and some have no luck and that, whatever people who prefer order say, is the size of it.
The poor, unlucky --

1.812 seconds.