
from Brown Corpus
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`` I think I'll sleep in this morning '', she said drowsily, and as she snuggled against him, he wondered if she ever went to church.
Why did he want her to go to church??
He wondered Probably because it was a place where she might get a feeling of certainty and security.
It would be good for her.
It was too bad he had no feeling himself for church.
Not his poor mother's fault.
She would have been better off if she had stuck to her Bible.
As for himself, he just didn't have the temperament for it.
From the time he had been at college he had achieved a certain tranquility and composure by accepting the fact that there were certain things he could never know.
Then he thought of those Old Testament figures on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
Just figures out of a tribal folklore.
Could he honestly believe it would be good for Carla to have those old prophets gripping her imagination now??
Being a woman though, she would take only what she needed from church.
It was too bad he wasn't a Catholic himself.
Or a Protestant, or one of those amusing dogmatic atheists, or a strict orthodox Communist.
What was the matter with him that they all wearied him??
It was the times, he was sure.
All the ideologies changing from day to day, right under his eyes, so how could a man look to any one of them for an enlargement of his freedom??
It was all too wearying.
Look somewhere else.
But where??
Just the same, he thought, pondering over it, it would be a good thing for a girl like Carla if she got up and went to church.

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