
from Brown Corpus
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However, no diagram of her brain patterns, no early I.Q. tests recorded certain essential facts about Helva that Central must eventually learn.
They would have to bide their official time and see, trusting that the massive doses of shell-psychology would suffice her, too, as the necessary bulwark against her unusual confinement and the pressures of her profession.
A ship run by a human brain could not run rogue or insane with the power and resources Central had to build into their scout ships.
Brain ships were, of course, long past the experimental stages.
Most babes survived the techniques of pituitary manipulation that kept their bodies small, eliminating the necessity of transfers from smaller to larger shells.
And very, very few were lost when the final connection was made to the control panels of ship or industrial combine.
Shell people resembled mature dwarfs in size whatever their natal deformities were, but the well-oriented brain would not have changed places with the most perfect body in the Universe.

2.235 seconds.