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Page "Triggerfish" ¶ 33
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Some Related Sentences

** and Balistoides
** Balistoides conspicillum ( Clown triggerfish )

** and viridescens
** S. alata f. viridescens
** S. flava f. viridescens
** S. leucophylla f. viridescens

** and </
** Winners ( 3 ): 1960 < sup > 1 </ sup >, 1996, 1998
** Runners-up ( 3 ): 1957 < sup > 1 </ sup >, 1968, 1972
** Runners-up ( 1 ): 1964 < sup > 1 </ sup >
** Aaron < sup > 3 </ sup >
** 1, 000, 000, 000 ( number ), one thousand million, 10 < sup > 9 </ sup >, in the short scale
** 1, 000, 000, 000, 000 ( number ), one million million, 10 < sup > 12 </ sup >, in the long scale
** The French formed the word "< span lang =" fr "> chiffre </ span >" and adopted the Italian word "< span lang =" it "> zero </ span >".
** Ultrahigh vacuum CVD ( UHVCVD ) – CVD process at very low pressure, typically below 10 < sup >− 6 </ sup > Pa (~ 10 < sup >− 8 </ sup > torr ).
** H < sub > 2 </ sub > O ( l ) + 240kJ → H < sub > 2 </ sub > O ( g )
** N < sub > 2 </ sub > + 3H < sub > 2 </ sub > → 2NH < sub > 3 </ sub > + 92kJ
** 1st Foreign Regiment ( 1 < sup > e </ sup > RE ), based in Aubagne
** 2nd Foreign Infantry Regiment ( 2 < sup > e </ sup > REI ), based in Nîmes
** 4th Foreign Regiment ( 4 < sup > e </ sup > RE ), based in Castelnaudary ( training )
** 1st Foreign Cavalry Regiment ( 1 < sup > e </ sup > REC ), based in Orange, Vaucluse ( armoured troops )
** 1st Foreign Engineer Regiment ( 1 < sup > e </ sup > REG ), based in Laudun
** 2nd Foreign Engineer Regiment ( 2 < sup > e </ sup > REG ), based in St Christol
** 2nd Foreign Parachute Regiment ( 2 < sup > e </ sup > REP ), based in Calvi, Corsica
** 3rd Foreign Infantry Regiment ( 3 < sup > e </ sup > REI ), based in French Guiana
** Guyane ( French Guiana ) Mission de presence sur l ’ Oyapok – Protection – 3 < sup > e </ sup > REI Protection CSG ; 2 < sup > e </ sup > REP / CEA ; 2 < sup > e </ sup > REI / 4 ° compagnie

** and small
** Express kidnapping, a method of abduction where a small ransom that a company or family can easily pay is requested
** Mine Exploder T7: Frame with small rollers with two discs each.
** The knob which is the small spherical terminus of the piece ;
** Branch (" USMC "); Gas mask size ( S – small, M – medium, L – large )
** Cation channels of sperm: This small family of channels, normally referred to as Catsper channels, is related to the two-pore channels and distantly related to TRP channels.
** New York: a small area of the southern border along the headwaters of the Allegheny.
** Maryland: a small corridor along the Youghiogheny River on the western border.
** Kentucky: all but a small part in the extreme west drained directly by the Mississippi.
** Tennessee: all but a small part in the extreme west drained directly by the Mississippi, and a very small area in the southeastern corner which is drained by the Conasauga River.
** Persian miniature, a small painting in an illuminated text or album
** Ottoman miniature, a small painting in an illuminated text or album
** Mughal miniature, a small painting in an illuminated text or album
** Portrait miniature, a very small painted portrait ( or other type of painting )
** Miniature figure ( gaming ), a small figurine used in role playing games and tabletop wargames
** Involvement of 1-3 small joints ( with or without involvement of large joints ) gives 2 points
** Involvement of 4-10 small joints ( with or without involvement of large joints ) gives 3 points
** Involvement of more than 10 joints ( with involvement of at least 1 small joint ) gives 5 points
** This is slightly misleading as schedule variances with a large P and small S and vice versa are not equivalent.
** a smaller limnetic species — with a smaller mouth — that feeds on the small plankton in open water
** Both large single exposures ( acute ) and continuous small exposures ( chronic ) are studied.
** United Arab Emirates Marines-The UAE maintains a small battalion sized marine force called the UAE Marines.
** Web. com, a public company that offers websites and other services for small businesses and consumers
** Loomis Fargo Bank Robbery: The second largest cash robbery in U. S. history ($ 17. 3 million, mostly in small bills ) occurs at the Charlotte, North Carolina office of Wells Fargo.
** Holocaust: the Nazi German extermination camp Chelmno opens in occupied Poland near a small village called Chełmno nad Nerem.

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