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1266 and
* McDonald, R. Andrew, Outlaws of Medieval Scotland: Challenges to the Canmore Kings, 1058 1266.
** Andronikos II of Trebizond ( 1263 1266 )
* 11 Kings and Queens of Naples ( 1266 1442, 1700 1707, 1735 1806 )
** Charles I ( 1266 1285 )
* 4 Kings of Sicily ( 1266 1282, 1700 1713, 1735 1815 )
** Charles I ( 1266 1285 )
* 1266 Battle of Benevento: An army led by Charles, Count of Anjou, defeats a combined German and Sicilian force led by King Manfred of Sicily.
* Hedwig of Kalisz ( 1266 1339 ), wife of the King Władysław I the Elbow-high and mother of Casimir III of Poland and Elisabeth of Poland.
The city of Lublin suffered most frequently among others, it was burnt by the Rusyns in 1244, the Lithuanians 1255, the Prussians in 1266, and the Yotvingians in 1282.
* McDonald, R. Andrew, Outlaws of Medieval Scotland: Challenges to the Canmore Kings, 1058 1266.
* January 17 John of Brittany, Earl of Richmond ( b. c. 1266 )
* 1266 The war between Scotland and Norway ends as King Alexander III of Scotland and King Magnus VI of Norway agree to the Treaty of Perth, which cedes the Western Isles and Isle of Man to Scotland in exchange for a large monetary payment.
* 1266 February 26 In the Battle of Benevento, an army led by Charles, Count of Anjou, defeats a combined German and Sicilian force led by King Manfred of Sicily.
* 1266 October The war winds down as supporters of the slain rebel leader Simon de Montfort make an offer of peace to the king in the Dictum of Kenilworth.
* 1266 Baibars expands his domain, capturing the city of Byblos ( in present-day Lebanon ) and the important castle of Toron from crusader states, and defeating the Armenians at Cilicia.
* 1266 In France, the gold écu and silver grosh coins are minted for the first time.
* 1266 Berke, khan of the Golden Horde of the Mongol Empire
* 1266 Birger Jarl, Swedish regent and founder of Stockholm

1266 and brother
After Birger's death in 1266 Valdemar came into conflict with his younger brother Magnus Birgersson, Duke of Södermanland, who wanted the throne for himself.
Swantopolk prevailed, his son Mestwin II, duke in Pomerelia from 1266, however again had to deal with claims raised by the Pomeranian Griffins and also by his brother Wratislaw II.
In 1266, while their father king Hetoum I was away to visit the Mongol court, Leo and his younger brother Thoros fought to repel Mamluk invaders, at the Battle of Mari.
Most likely upon returning from Teutonic Order captivity his father made Mestwin II the Duke of Świecie ( Schwetz ) province circa 1250, and upon his father's death he began his challenge against his younger brother for Gdańsk ( Danzig ) in 1266, starting the so called Pomerelian Civil War that lasted until 1273.
The following year Bolesław mounted a counter-offensive against Shvarn and his brother Vasilko Romanovich, and defeated the earlier on June 19, 1266 at Wrota.
George succeeded his elder half brother Andronikos II in 1266.
Henry III the White () ( 1227 / 1230 3 December 1266 ) was a Duke of Wrocław from 1248 until his death ( as co-ruler with his brother ).
The pretext emerged in the mid-year 1266 when they tried to forced a division of the Duchy of Wrocław between Henry III and his brother Archbishop Władysław of Salzburg.

1266 and uncle
Charles had defeated Conradin's uncle Manfred, King of Sicily in the Battle of Benevento on 26 February 1266.
A minor upon the early death of his father in 1266, Henry IV was placed under the guardianship of his paternal uncle, Archbishop Władysław of Salzburg.
In 1267 he made the fatal decision to accompany Conradin on his Italian expedition, after Charles of Anjou had been crowned King of Siciliy by Pope Clement IV and killed Conradin's uncle Manfred in the 1266 Battle of Benevento.

1266 and Kublai
After Alghu died in 1266, Organa enthroned Mubarak Shah as head of the ulus, without the permission of Kublai Khan, who was also proclaimed the Great Khan and defeated Ariq Böke 2 years after.

1266 and Khan's
This state of subservience to the central government was ended during the reign of Chagatai's grandson Alghu ( 1260 1266 ), who took advantage of the civil war between Khubilai and Ariq Boke by revolting against the latter, seizing new territories and gaining the allegiance of the Great Khan's authorities in Transoxiana.
Alghu's eventual successor, Baraq ( 1266 1271 ), who expelled the Khubilai Khan's governor in Chinese Turkestan, soon came into conflict with the Ögedite Kaidu ( Qaidu ), who gained the support of the Golden Horde and attacked the Chagatayids.

1266 and capital
Conflict between the Hohenstaufen house and the Papacy, led in 1266 to Pope Innocent IV crowning Angevin Dynasty duke Charles I as the king of the kingdom: Charles officially moved the capital from Palermo to Naples where he resided at the Castel Nuovo.
Set on fire in 1266, Mamistra, as it was called in the Middle Ages, became two years afterwards the capital of the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia, at the time that a council was held there.

1266 and now
The Isles now lay at Alexander's feet, and in 1266 Haakon's successor concluded the Treaty of Perth by which he ceded the Isle of Man and the Western Isles to Scotland in return for a monetary payment.
* GER 1266 Third ( body only now on ex-tube wagon uderframe ) built 1891, Operational from 2009
From 1264 to 1266, John of Ibelin wrote an extensive legal treatise, now known as the Livre des Assises, the longest such treatise known from the Levant, dealing with the so-called Assizes of Jerusalem and the procedure of the Haute Cour It also included details about the ecclesiastical and baronial structure of the Kingdom, as well as the number of knights owed to the crown by each of the kingdom's vassals.
When the Guelphs regained control of the city in 1266, they repeated in reverse the demolitions, by destroying every building belonging to the Uberti clan, which were in what is now Piazza della Signoria, decreeing as well that no building should ever be erected in that accursed space.

1266 and for
The castle was the subject of the six-month long Siege of Kenilworth in 1266, believed to be the longest siege in English history, and formed a base for Lancastrian operations in the War of the Roses.
Siege towers also became more elaborate during the medieval period ; at the Siege of Kenilworth Castle in 1266, for example, 200 archers and 11 catapults operated from a single tower.
The Western Isles became part of the Norse kingdom of the Suðreyjar, which lasted for over 400 years until sovereignty was transferred to Scotland by the Treaty of Perth in 1266.
* In 1266 Henry III of England granted the Lübeck and Hamburg Hansa a charter for operations in England, which contributed to the emergence of the Hanseatic League.
The Chiostro del Paradiso (" Cloister of Paradise ") was built by Filippo Augustariccio between 1266 and 1268 and was used as a burial ground for noble families of Amalfi.
On 24 November 1265, he was selected for the post of Archbishop of York ; however, he was never consecrated and resigned the appointment in October 1266.
In the historic period the earliest known settlers were Picts to the north and Gaels in the southern kingdom of Dalriada prior to the islands becoming part of the Suðreyjar kingdom of the Norse, who ruled for over 400 years until sovereignty was transferred to Scotland by the Treaty of Perth in 1266.
( 2007 ), " A superfast algorithm for Toeplitz systems of linear equations ", SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 29: 1247 1266.
In 1266 1267 he worked in Rome for King Charles I of Anjou, portraying him in the famous statue housed in the Campidoglio.
In 1266 he gave up the Hebrides and the Isle of Man to Scotland, in return for a large sum of silver and a yearly payment, under the Treaty of Perth, by which the Scots at the same time recognised Norwegian rule over Shetland and the Orkney Islands.
Norsemen first came to Mann around the year 800AD, and ruled the Isle for four-and-a-half centuries before finally ceding it to the King of Scotland in 1266.
Amir Kabir had him executed ( 1266 / 1850 ), together with one of his sons and one of his brothers, a punishment of unprecedented severity for such provincial resistance to central authority, and a clear sign of Amir Kabir ’ s intention to assert the prerogatives of the state.
In 1266 / 1850, bast was abolished, for example, at the Masjed-e Shah in Tehran, although it was restored after the downfall of Amir Kabir.
The loch also hosted, if that is the word, the battle fleet of King Hakkon of Norway on his way south to the disastrous ( for the Norwegians ) battle of Largs in 1266 ; the small harbour of Portnacon has variously been translated as " Port na coin " " the port of the dogs " or a corruption of " Port Hakkon ", " Hakkon's Port ".
After governing since 1220 for 46 years, Swietopelk died in 1266, with his sons Mestwin II and Wratislaw II inheriting his lands.
In 1266, Hetoum too set out for the Mongol court, pleading for assistance.
He took refuge for some years ( 1260 1266 ) in France working as a notary-in Montpellier, Arras, Bar-sur-Aube and Paris.
In 1266 when the political situation allowed, he returned to Tuscany and for some twenty years held successive high offices.

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