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Pope and Symmachus
* 498 – After the death of Anastasius II, Symmachus is elected Pope in the Lateran Palace, while Laurentius is elected Pope in Santa Maria Maggiore.
* 502 – The Synodus Palmaris, called by Gothic king Theodoric the Great, discharges Pope Symmachus of all charges, thus ending the schism of Antipope Laurentius.
He was the son of Gordianus, a Roman priest who had been slain during the riots in the days of Pope Symmachus ( term 498 – 514 ).
* Symmachus, Pope of the Roman Catholic Church, p. 498 – 514
* March 1 – During a synod in Rome, which is attended by 72 bishops and all of the Roman clergy, Pope Symmachus makes Antipope Laurentius bishop of the diocese of Nocera in Campania.
Pope Symmachus ( 498 – 514 )
* October 23 – The Synodus Palmaris, called by Gothic king Theodoric the Great, clears Pope Symmachus of all charges, thus ending the schism of Antipope Laurentius.
* July 19 – Pope Symmachus dies at Rome after a 16-year reign and is succeeded by Hormisdas as the 52nd pope.
* July 19 – Pope Symmachus
Symmachus was baptized in Rome, where he became archdeacon of the Church under Pope Anastasius II.
More momentous was an attack by a mob on Pope Symmachus ' party as he set out to arrive at the synod: many of his supporters were injured and several — including the priests Gordianus and Dignissiums — killed.
Pope Symmachus provided money and clothing to the Catholic bishops of Africa and Sardinia who had been exiled by the rulers of the Arian Vandals.
* Catholic Encyclopedia, Pope St. Symmachus ( 498 – 514 ) ( 1913 ).
During the Laurentian schism, Hormisdas was one of the most prominent clerical partisans of Pope Symmachus.
While a deacon in Rome, he is known to have been a partisan of the Antipope Laurentius, for in a libellus written to Pope Symmachus in 506, John confessed his error in opposing him, anathematized Peter of Altinum and Laurentius, and begged pardon of Symmachus.
* Pope Symmachus, Pope from 498 to 514.
At any rate, the wearing of the pallium was usual in the fifth century ; this is indicated by the above-mentioned reference contained in the life of St Marcus which dates from the beginning of the sixth century, as well as by the conferring of the pallium on St. Cæsarius of Arles by Pope Symmachus in 513.
Established underneath the San Pacrazio basilica which was built by Pope Symmachus on the place where the body of the young martyr Saint Pancras, or Pancratius, had been buried.
Julien Havet demonstrated in 1885, however, that it is a forgery of the Oratorian, Jérome Viguier, who also forged a letter purporting to be from Pope Symmachus to Avitus.
The early basilica was the site of councils presided over by Pope Zosimus ( 417 ) and Symmachus ( 499 ).
A decree of 502 under Pope Symmachus ruled that laymen should no longer vote for the popes and that only higher clergy should be considered eligible.

Pope and accused
The author of the Festal Index, who was the original collector of St. Athanasius ' famed Festal Epistles ( collected shortly after his death ), stated that the Arians had accused St. Athanasius, among other accusations, that his ordination as Pope of Alexandria in 328 was not canonical because at the time of the consecration to the episcopate he had not yet attained the canonical age 30.
But when Savonarola publicly accused Pope Alexander VI of corruption, he was banned from speaking in public.
* 1348 – Papal bull of Pope Clement VI protecting the Jews accused to have caused the Black Death.
Emperor Otto I of Germany had John accused in an ecclesiastical court, which deposed him and elected a layman as Pope Leo VIII.
Pope Sylvester II and the Devil in an illustration of c. 1460. Gerbert was accused by his enemies of having studied magical arts and astrology at the Islamic cities of Córdoba and Seville and even at the University of Al Karaouine in Morocco.
Léo Taxil was the pen name of Marie Joseph Gabriel Antoine Jogand-Pagès, who had been accused earlier of libel regarding a book he wrote called The Secret Loves of Pope Pius IX.
* Pope Damasus I is accused of adultery but is exonerated by Gratian.
* December 20 – Pope Gregory VI is accused of simony at the Council of Sutri, and abdicates as pope.
However, it is also possible that this position has not yet been completely overturned, since it was re-asserted in December 2009 by Pope Benedict XVI in Rome, who accused the mass media of producing " poison " that makes people less sensitive to violence.
However, in February 1468, Platina was again imprisoned on the charge of having participated in a conspiracy against the Pope, and was tortured along with other abbreviators, such as Filip Callimachus, who fled to Poland in 1478, all of whom had been accused of pagan views.
Pope Pius IX noted in Quartus Supra that Liberius was falsely accused by the Arians and he had refused to condemn St Athanasius.
J. Barmby, Hormisdas made several demands: ( 1 ) The emperor should publicly announce his acceptance of the council of Chalcedon and the letters of Pope Leo ; ( 2 ) the Eastern bishops should make a similar public declaration, and in addition anathematize Nestorius, Eutyches, Dioscorus, Aelurus, Peter Mongus, Peter the Fuller, and Acacius, with all their followers ; ( 3 ) everyone exiled in this dispute should be recalled and their cases reserved for the judgment of the Apostolic See ; ( 4 ) those exiles who had been in communion with Rome and professed Catholicism should first be recalled ; and ( 5 ) bishops accused of having persecuted the orthodox should be sent to Rome to be judged.
During the last period of the apostolic vicariate, Jansenism and Gallicanism spread among the Dutch clergy and vicar Petrus Codde was suspended by the Pope, who accused him of being a Jansenist.
* Pope John Paul II accepts the resignation of Archbishop Juliusz Paetz, who had been accused of sexual abuse.
On a visit to Constantinople in 536, Pope Agapetus was accused of being opposed to the veneration of the theotokos and to the portrayal of her image in churches.
First individuals were indicted for praemunire, then groups of clergy, and lastly the entire English clergy was accused of being agents of a foreign power ( the Pope ).
In the age of nationalism, Protestant Germans, whether Conservative ( like Otto von Bismarck ) or Liberal, accused the Centre of Ultramontanism or having a greater loyalty towards the Pope than to their own nation.
The accused heretic wrote an appeal of his own, declaring his innocence, which was duly accepted by Innocent's successor, Pope Zosimus.
He accused Alexander VI of corruption and called for his removal as Pope.
In a 2009 editorial, the journal accused Pope Benedict XVI of publicly distorting scientific evidence on condoms to promote Catholic doctrine on chastity in AIDS prevention.
In 1324, Louis the Bavarian sided with the Spirituals and accused the Pope of heresy.
One of the nuns was accused of selling her soul to the Devil, carrying Communion bread outside the church, and having carnal knowledge with men ; the other was charged with speaking blasphemously of the Pope.
The doctrine takes its name from Pelagius, a British monk who was accused of developing the doctrine ( he himself appears to have claimed that man does not do good apart from grace in his letters, claiming only that all men have free will by God's gift ); it was opposed especially by Augustine of Hippo and was declared a heresy by Pope Zosimus in 418.
In his 1969 commentary on the document, Joseph Ratzinger ( now Pope Benedict XVI ) accused parts of it of using " downright Pelagian terminology " in its discussion of free will.

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