
* The only purpose of the image is to help describe the album Mothership Connection and no other purpose

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* The only purpose of the image is to help describe the single " St. Louis Blues " and no other purpose

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* The only purpose of the image is to help describe the album Platinum & Gold Collection and no other purpose

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* The only purpose of the image is to help describe the game Empires: Dawn of the Modern World and no other purpose

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* The only purpose of the image is to help describe the game Manhunt ( video game ) and no other purpose

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* The only purpose of the image is to help describe the album Free Your Mind ... And Your Ass Will Follow and no other purpose

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* The only purpose of the image is to help describe the album Soul on Top and no other purpose

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* The only purpose of the image is to help describe the album Soul on Top and no other purpose ; the album is important in the section on Brown's career for his having recorded an album with a big band jazz orientation

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* The only purpose of the image is to help describe the album The Payback and no other purpose

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* The only purpose of the image is to help describe the album The Payback and no other purpose

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* The only purpose of the image is to help describe the album Sex Machine and no other purpose

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* The only purpose of the image is to help describe the album Sex Machine and no other purpose ; the album is one of the most important documents of a pivotal period ( 1969-71 ) in Brown's career

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* The only purpose of the image is to help describe the SSX on Tour game and no other purpose

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