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. and understanding
At these words of sympathy and understanding, Harmony said generously, `` I don't mind setting here along with Gran while you go out and join in the games ''.
said a Hail Mary, slowly and with understanding.
Others mentioned that I might have had to ask friends or even strangers for help and that to be stranded in a foreign country without sufficient funds did not contribute to international understanding.
The people everywhere had grown meanwhile in devotion to basic democratic principles, in understanding of and belief in the federal balance, and in love of their Union.
Political theoretical understanding, although almost at a standstill during this century, did develop during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and resulted in a flood of inventions which increased the possibility for man to coexist with man.
Just as present technology had to await the explanations of physics, so one might expect that social invention will follow growing sociological understanding.
I want, therefore, to discuss a second and quite different fruit of science, the connection between scientific understanding and fear.
There are certainly large areas of understanding in the human sciences which in themselves and even without political invention can help to dispel our present fears.
Often it is recognized that all the details of the pattern may not be essential to the outcome but, because the pattern was empirically determined and not developed through theoretical understanding, one is never quite certain which behavior elements are effective, and the whole pattern becomes ritualized.
This understanding provides a very simple example of the fact that one can eliminate fear without instituting any controls.
Our understanding of the solar system has taught us to replace our former elaborate rituals with the appropriate action which, in this case, amounts to doing nothing.
We are forced, in our behavior towards others, to adopt empirically successful patterns in toto because we have such a minimal understanding of their essential elements.
We perform elaborate international exhortations and ceremonies with virtually no understanding of social cause and effect.
In the life sciences, there has been an enormous increase in our understanding of disease, in the mechanisms of heredity, and in bio- and physiological chemistry.
The major effect of these advances appears to lie in the part they have played in the industrial revolution and in the tools which scientific understanding has given us to build and manipulate a more protective environment.
Even in domains where detailed and predictive understanding is still lacking, but where some explanations are possible, as with lightning and weather and earthquakes, the appropriate kind of human action has been more adequately indicated.
There are many domains in which understanding has brought about widespread and quite appropriate reduction in ritual and fear.
In fact, the recent warnings about the use of X-rays have introduced fears and ambiguities of action which now require more detailed understanding, and thus in this instance, science has momentarily aggravated our fears.
Perhaps the most illuminating example of the reduction of fear through understanding is derived from our increased knowledge of the nature of disease.
Whatever pole of this contrast one emphasizes and whatever the tension between these two approaches to understanding the artistic imagination, it will be readily seen that they are not mutually exclusive, that they belong together.
Presupposed in Plato's system is a doctrine of levels of insight, in which a certain kind of detached understanding is alone capable of penetrating to the most sublime wisdom.
Whitehead contends that the human way of understanding existence as a unity of interlocking and interdependent processes which constitute each other and which cause each other to be and not to be is possible only because the basic form of such an understanding, for all its vagueness and tendency to mistake the detail, is initially given in the way man feels the world.
This is important to understanding the position that doctrinaire liberals found themselves in after World War 2, and our great democratic victory that brought no peace.
If our sincerity is granted, and it is granted, the discrepancy can only be explained by the fact that we have come to believe hearsay and legend about ourselves in preference to an understanding gained by earnest self-examination.

. and which
She had reached a point at which she didn't even care how she looked.
Morgan returned to the kitchen, built a fire, and carried in several buckets of water from the spring which he poured into the copper boiler that he had placed on the stove.
It was the only thing in his life for which he felt guilt.
The land over which he sped was the land he had created and lived in: his valley.
He crawled beneath the two supply wagons which stood between the buildings and peered around a corner.
An ammunition case stood open, containing canisters which contained powder cartridges.
Mike seized a blanket from a pallet in a corner, spread it on the floor and used it to form a bag in which he placed his booty.
The guerrillas began a frantic search for pails in which to bring water from the spring.
He spoke to me in a gruff voice, an affectation which quite belied his personality.
On a shelf in the office behind the counter was a small radio dialed permanently on a station which broadcast only vulgar commercials and cheap popular music.
They, and the two large fans which I could dimly see as daylight filtered through their vents, down at the far end of the hall, could be turned on by a master switch situated inside the office.
Large warehouses flanked the street on which the hall fronted.
The big fans were going, drawing from the large room the remnants of stale smoke which drifted about in pale strata underneath the ceiling.
No one was behind it, but in the rear wall of the office I noticed, for the first time, a door which had been left partially open.
To this effect I had already severed all connections which bound me to my former existence.
The only thing which would have attracted attention was that two wore the uniform of prison guards, three the striped suits of convicts.
Barton waited for a long moment, then asked the question which lay always uppermost in his mind.
For everyone involved knew that the whole valley was a powder keg, and Mitchell Barton the fuse which could send it into explosive violence.
There a dozen giant monitors played their seventy-five-foot jets of water against the huge seam of tertiary gravel which was the mountainside.
He supervised the cleanups and handled the shipments of raw gold which each week went out to San Francisco.
When they reached their neighbor's house, Pamela said a few polite words to Grace and kissed Melissa lightly on the forehead, the impulse prompted by a stray thought -- of the type to which she was frequently subject these days -- that they might never see one another again.
All of her movements were careful and methodical, partaking of the stealth of a criminal who has plotted his felony for months in advance and knows exactly which step to take next in the course of the final execution of his crime.
On her bureau lay a small, brass ornament of simple design and faded engraving -- an object which, Pamela believed now, had been the property of her great-grandfather, Major Hiram Munroe Culver.
But she was caught in it, and she faced the terrible possibility that, if it were a dream, it was one from which she might never awaken.
The slight flutter that had disturbed the motion of her heart when she entered the forest was gone now, and even the dim groves of trees through which she occasionally passed did not reawaken her fear.

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