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Page "Srivijaya" ¶ 69
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According and Malay
According to Malay culture, amok was rooted in a deep spiritual belief.
According to the Sejarah Melayu (" Malay Annals "), the Khmer prince Raja Ganji Sarjuna founded the kingdom of Gangga Negara ( modern-day Beruas, Perak ) in the 700s.
According to the Chinese source, Chu-fan-chi, written circa 1200, Chou Ju-kua reported in the early 13th century Srivijaya still ruled Sumatra, the Malay peninsula, and western Java ( Sunda ).
According to a legend in the Northern Chronicles, in 903, a king of Tambralinga invaded and took Lavo and installed a Malay prince to the Lavo throne.
According to an old Malay story, at the place near the Pahang River, on the opposite side of Kampung Kembahang, a large ' mahang ' tree fell across the river, thus the name ' Pahang ' originated.
According to Ethnologue 16, several of the Malayan varieties they currently list as separate languages, including the Orang Asli varieties of Peninsular Malay, are so closely related to standard Malay that they may prove to be dialects.
According to the book of Nagarakertagama pupuh ( canto ) XIII and XIV mentioned several states in Sumatra, Malay Peninsula, Borneo, Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara islands, Maluku, New Guinea, and some parts of Philippines islands as under Majapahit realm of power.
According to the Malay Annals, he was the last king of Singapura and a member of the royal family of Srivijaya.
According to Bennett ( 1834 ), the name Blakang Mati was only given to the hill on the island by the Malay villagers on the island.
According to Labuan Corporation, ethnic composition in 2005 in Labuan was: Malay mainly Brunei Malay and Kedayan ( 30, 300 ), Ethnic Chinese ( 10, 800 ), Kadazan Dusun ( 5, 500 ), Bajau ( 4, 800 ), Murut ( 700 ), other races ( 13, 300 ) and foreigner ( 18, 600 ).
According to this source in early 13th century Srivijaya still ruled Sumatra, Malay peninsula, and western Java ( Sunda ).
According to Blumenbach, there are five races, all belonging to a single species: Caucasian, Mongolian, Ethiopian, American, and Malay.
According to the Singapore Census of Population 2010, 98. 7 % of the Malay population are Muslims with a 1. 3 % embracing other religions.
According to the Malay Annals, there was a time when the villages along the coast of Singapore suffered vicious attacks from a school of swordfish.
According to the Malay Annals, the Portuguese army, led by Afonso de Albuquerque, launched a second assault on Malacca ( during the reign of Sultan Ahmad Shah ), the first being repulsed by the late Bendahara Tun Mutahir.
According to the Malay Annals, there was a time when the villages along the coast of Singapore suffered from vicious attacks from shoals of swordfish.
According to a Malay legend, a mysterious bloody event lies behind the name.
According to a Malay legend, the Prince of Palembang, Sri Tri Buana's boat ran into a storm and he threw everything overboard, including his crown before landing just off Telok Blangah beach.
According to the Malay Annals and the Hikayat Hang Tuah, the bendahara secretly saved the life of Hang Tuah, a laksamana the sultan had ordered killed.
According to the Ethnologue, Indonesian is modelled after Riau Malay, a form of Old Malay originally spoken in Northeast Sumatra.
According to tradition, the founding of the kingdom happened in the 2nd century ; Malay legends claim that Langkasuka was founded at Kedah, and later moved to Pattani.

According and Annals
According to Tacitus ( Annals 3. 14. 1 ), the prosecution could not prove the poisoning charge, but other charges of treason seemed likely to stick and Piso committed suicide.
According to Tacitus in his Annals, Boudica poisoned herself, though in the Agricola which was written almost twenty years prior he mentions nothing of suicide and attributes the end of the revolt to socordia (" indolence "); Dio says she fell sick and died and then was given a lavish burial ; though this may be a convenient way to remove her from the story.
According to the Annals of Ulster he was killed by his own people while the Annals of Tigernach say that the sons of his brother Máel Brigte were responsible.
* According to the Annals of Inisfallen, a royal meeting between Feidlimid mac Cremthanin, King of Cashel and Niall, King of the Southern Uí Neill and Tara at Cluain-Conaire-Tommain, results in Feidlimid becoming High-King of Ireland.
According to the traditional chronology based upon calculations by Liu Xin, the Shang ruled between 1766 BC and 1122 BC, but according to the chronology based upon the Bamboo Annals, they ruled between 1556 BC and 1046 BC.
According to the traditional chronology based upon calculations by Liu Xin, the Xia ruled between 2205 and 1766 BC ; according to the chronology based upon the Bamboo Annals, it ruled between 1989 and 1558 BC.
According to Tacitus ( Annals 14. 35 ), Boudica, queen of the Iceni and a number of other tribes in a formidable uprising against the occupying Roman forces, addressed her troops from a chariot in AD 61:
According to the Annals of St-Bertin, Charles was hastily buried at the abbey of Nantua, Burgundy because the bearers were unable to withstand the stench of his decaying body.
According to Tacitus ( Annals 1, 51 ), an area 50 Roman miles wide was laid to waste with fire and sword: " No sex, no age found pity.
According to the Annals of Cuauhtitlan, after Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl died, he spent four days in Mictlan making darts before emerging as the morning star.
According to translations of the Annals of Lü Buwei the woman gave birth to the future emperor in the city of Handan in 259 BC, the first month of the 48th year of King Zhaoxiang of Qin.
According to Leland, the Annals of Pershore hold an earl called Delfer responsible for depriving the abbey of several of its lands.
According to the Annals of St Neots ( ed.
According to the Annals of Clonmacnoise, Amlaíb had been in Britain since 940, having left another son of Gofraid, Blácaire, as ruler of Dublin.
According to the Irish Annals of Tigernach, Magnus's goal was to seize power in England, whereas the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle appears to associate the Norwegian fleet with the return to power of Earl Ælfgār.
According to the Blue Annals, new king of the Western Tibetan kingdom of Guge by the name of Lha Lama Yeshe Yod, however, was a strict believer in Dharma and so sent his academic followers to learn and translate some of the Sanskrit Buddhist texts.
According to his estate, these included 12, 189 copies of the Orgone Energy Bulletin, 6, 261 copies of the International Journal of Sex Economy and Orgone Research, 2, 976 copies of Annals of the Orgone Institute, and copies of several of his books, including The Sexual Revolution, Character Analysis and The Mass Psychology of Fascism.
According to other ancient Chinese texts like the Book of Documents, the Analects, and the Bamboo Annals, Jizi was a relative of King Zhou, the last ruler of the Shang Dynasty, and one of the three wise men of Shang, along with Weizi ( 微子 ) and Bigan.
According to the Tlatelolco Annals, in 1365, the lord of Cuernavaca, Macuilxochitl, tried to conquer lands as far as the Valley of Mexico, but was met by the lord of Chalco, Tzalcualtitlan, with similar ambitions.
According to a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, for which researchers reviewed colon cancer screening data from 1966 to 2001, the most severe complications from colonoscopy are perforation ( that occurred in 0. 029 % to 0. 72 % of cases ), heavy bleeding ( occurring in 0. 2 % to 2. 67 % of colonoscopies ) and death ( occurring in 0. 003 % to 0. 03 % of colonoscopy patients ).
According to the Annals of the Four Masters Torbach died in 808 and Ferdomnach in 847.
According to an entry in the Annals of the Four Masters for AD 123, there were five principal highways () leading to Tara () in Early Medieval Ireland.

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