
According to the digital music sheet published at Musicnotes. com by EMI Music Publishing, the song is written in a key of G minor.

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According to the digital music sheet published at musicnotes. com, the song is written in the key of Db Major.

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According to the digital music sheet published at Musicnotes. com by Universal Music Publishing Group, it is written in a key of F minor.

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According to the digital music sheet published at Musicnotes. com, the song is composed in the key of

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According to the digital music sheet published at Musicnotes. com, the song is composed in the key of B major and is set in time signature of common time with a tempo of 108 beats per minute, while Spears vocal range spans from C to C. Music critics noticed the song as Spears ' declaration of independence, which is perceived in self-empowerment lines such as " I'm not your property " and " I don't need nobody ".

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According to the digital music sheet published at Musicnotes. com by Hal Leonard Corporation, the song is written in a key of D major and maintains a tempo of 66 beat per minute.

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According to the digital music sheet published at musicnotes. com, " If It's Lovin ' that You Want " is written in the key of A-flat major and is set in common time with a moderate dance goove with a metronome of 98 beats per minute.

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According to the digital music sheet published at Musicnotes. com by BPJ Administration, the song is composed in a key of F # minor while carrying a tempo of 144 beats per minute.

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According to the digital music sheet published at musicnotes. com, the song is written in the key of B ♭ minor.

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0.008 seconds.