
Accordingly, the radical and influential Sibley-Ahlquist taxonomy greatly enlarged the Ciconiiformes, adding many more families, including most of those usually regarded as belonging to the Sphenisciformes ( penguins ), Gaviiformes ( divers ), Podicipediformes ( grebes ), Procellariiformes ( tubenosed seabirds ), Charadriiformes, ( waders, gulls, terns and auks ), Pelecaniformes ( pelicans, cormorants, gannets and allies ), and the Falconiformes ( diurnal birds of prey ).

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Accordingly, the radical and influential Sibley-Ahlquist taxonomy greatly enlarged the Ciconiiformes, adding many more families, including most of those usually regarded as belonging to the Sphenisciformes ( penguins ), Gaviiformes ( divers ), Podicipediformes ( grebes ), Procellariiformes ( tube-nosed seabirds ), Charadriiformes, ( waders, gulls, terns and auks ), Pelecaniformes ( pelicans, cormorants, gannets and allies ), and the Falconiformes ( diurnal birds of prey ).

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