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After and end
After the end of the Greek-Persian wars the cities on the coasts became part of the Delian League, which was, however, later dissolved.
After the end of the Napoleonic Wars, the Alpine countries began to see an influx of poets, artists, and musicians, as visitors came to experience the sublime effects of monumental nature.
After this, he was especially known for acting as a mediator between conflicting parties ( In Cologne he is not only known for being the founder of Germany's oldest university there, but also for " the big verdict " ( der Große Schied ) of 1258, which brought an end to the conflict between the citizens of Cologne and the archbishop.
After the election Johnson was most anxious to complete the re-establishment of civil government in Tennessee ; Union forces brought the war to an end in that state with their victory in the Battle of Nashville in December.
After winning over the Sanhaja Berber tribe, they quickly took control of the entire desert trade route, seizing Sijilmasa at the northern end in 1054, and Aoudaghost at the southern end in 1055.
After the end of the war the islands briefly returned to British control, before becoming part of the newly independent state of India.
After the death of his first wife Anne of Hungary, he married Yolanda ( renamed Irene ) of Montferrat, putting an end to the Montferrat claim to the Kingdom of Thessalonica.
After Andromeda's death, as Euripides had promised Athena at the end of his Andromeda, produced in 412 BCE, the goddess placed her among the constellations in the northern sky, near Perseus and Cassiopeia ; the constellation Andromeda, so known since antiquity, is named after her.
After Byzantion, Sparta was eager to end its involvement in the war.
After the financial collapse of the Italian opera company in 1777 due to financial mis-management, Joseph II decided to end the performance of Italian opera, French spoken drama, and ballet.
After the end of World War I, he settled again in Vienna where he taught private pupils.
After the end of World War II, Sakharov researched cosmic rays.
After the end of the war in Europe in 1945, Berlin received large numbers of refugees from the Eastern provinces.
After the end of the official celebration, the day ended in a huge four-day popular feast and people celebrated with fireworks, as well as fine wine and running naked through the streets in order to display their great freedom.
After playing at the College of San Mateo, Walsh transferred to San José State University, where he played tight end and defensive end.
After the end of the operations in Thrace — and confirming Greek concerns — Bulgaria was not satisfied with the territory it controlled in Macedonia and immediately asked Greece to relinquish its control over Thessaloniki and the land north of Pieria, effectively handing over all Aegean Macedonia.
After the end of the Second World War, the British Army was significantly reduced in size, although National Service continued until 1960.
After five to six weeks these are weaned and become fully mature near the end of their first year or sometime in their second year, depending on the species.
After the end of the Berriasian, however, temperatures increased again, and these conditions were almost constant until the end of the period.
After further political consolidation, seven prominent states remained by the end of 5th century BC, and the years in which these few states battled each other are known as the Warring States Period.
After relegation into the Third Division south at the end of the 1932 / 33 season the club appointed Jimmy Seed as manager and he oversaw the most successful period in Charlton's history either side of the Second World War.
After the end of the First World War, a chalk quarry known as the Swamps was identified as Charlton's new ground, and in the summer of 1919 work began to create the level playing area and remove debris from the site.

After and Prohibition
After Prohibition was repealed in 1933 the Food and Drug Administration revisited federal policy toward canned cherries.
After Prohibition shut down the industry, it was not until the 1960s that it began to be revived.
After Prohibition, the Coast Guard all but abandoned Cape May leaving a small air / sea rescue contingent.
After Vanderbilt's death in 1920, the mansion went through several phases and visitors, including a brief stay during Prohibition by gangster Dutch Schultz.
After Prohibition ended, Westerville remained dry for most of the twentieth century.
After the Repeal of Prohibition, many of the organized crime elements moved into other rackets, such as illegal gambling and union shakedowns.
After Prohibition, the grape was a minor variety until it experienced a surge of interest as a component of " Meritage " Bordeaux-style blends in the mid 1990s.
After Prohibition ended, the citizens of Somerset returned to the more humble activities of logging and farming.
After Prohibition ended in 1933, Kennedy consolidated an even larger fortune when he traveled to Scotland with FDR's son, James Roosevelt, to buy distribution rights for Scotch whiskey.
After starting out defending bootleggers during Prohibition, in 1931 he joined the Houston law firm that became Fulbright & Jaworski, one of the largest law firms in the United States.
File: EndOfSlaveTrade. jpg | After the 1807 Prohibition of the Slave Trade by the British Parliament, it is Britannia herself – now having a claim to be considered an emancipator – who has a Phrygian cap at the top of her pole.
After making his fortune as a bootlegger during Prohibition, He has loaned millions of dollars to the mafia through the Teamsters Pension Fund.
After his release from the hospital, Torrio served a year in jail for Prohibition violations.
After Prohibition, these were replaced by shot glasses with a thick base and thick sides.
After the war, the Prohibition movement in the United States turned Montreal into a destination for Americans looking for alcohol.
After losing the nomination, she ran as a candidate for the Prohibition Party against Wadsworth and the Democratic and Socialist Party candidates in the general election.
After Rainier Brewing Company resumed producing " Rainier Beer " after the end of Prohibition and its advertisements became ubiquitous in the Seattle-Tacoma area, a rumor began circulating that the brewery's owner, Emil Sick, had bribed a Washington state committee with free beer to name the local mountain " Rainier ".
After that, he received the nomination of the Prohibition Party.
After the establishment of the Prohibition ( of toddy ) act in the Northern districts of Madras Presidency, the Nadar Mahajana Sangam along with its sister association, Dakshina Mara Nadar Sangam of Tirunelveli, sought to remove it to aid the depressed climbers.
After the Depression, Prohibition, and a relocation of the railroad headquarters, the small town slowly declined in population until Houston's Oil boom in the 1970s and 1980s brought merchants back to the area to make the town what it is today.
After the passage of Prohibition, the 1920s brought international notoriety to Chicago.
After hearing uncorroborated testimony from a congressional witnesss that ballistic knives could be used to defeat body armor typically worn by police officers, and witnessing a staged demonstration against a wood-backed target, Senator Alphonse D ' Amato of New York introduced the Ballistic Knife Prohibition Act, a bill to ban sale or possession of ballistic knives.
After four years away from City Hall, Thompson cast his hat in the ring for the 1927 mayoral campaign, capitalizing on public displeasure with the zealous enforcement of the Prohibition laws under Dever.
After Prohibition they were incorporated into a popular bar, at which a scene of the movie " Godfather " was shot.

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