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Page "Thin-film transistor" ¶ 16
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Also and first
Also, the contents of an expanding universe ( to first order ) can be described as an adiabatically cooling fluid.
Also, the court pointed out that, while Canada has the power to amend the line of succession to the Canadian throne, the Statute of Westminster stipulates that the agreement of the governments of the fifteen other Commonwealth realms that share the Crown would first have to be sought if Canada wished to continue its relationship with these countries.
Also from Greece, Pedanius Dioscorides, in the middle of the first century, wrote De Materia Medica, a five-volume encyclopedia about herbal medicine that was widely read for more than 1, 500 years.
Also in 1986, LCDR Donnie Cochran, joined the Blue Angels as the first African-American Naval Aviator to be selected.
Also in 1994, United States Secretary of the Interior Bruce Babbitt first proposed the removal of several Pacific Northwest dams because of their impact on salmon spawning.
Also in 1974, Gloria Gaynor released the first side-long disco mix vinyl album, which included a remake of The Jackson 5's " Never Can Say Goodbye " and two other songs, " Honey Bee " and " Reach Out ( I'll Be There )".
Also, this study was the first Functional magnetic resonance imaging ( fMRI ) study to be done involving GC's and more research is necessary to support these findings.
Also during this time Almagro established a friendship with Vasco Núñez de Balboa, who during the time was in charge of Acla, with the intent of making a ship with the materials of the Espinosa expedition and later finish it in the " Great South Sea " as the Pacific Ocean first became known to the Spanish.
The respective first accurate glosses for Taoism were " douizm ; tou -" ( Webster's International Dictionary of the English Language, 2nd ed., 1934 ) and " Also Daoism and with pronunc.
Also in 1947, the Whiskey à Go-Go nightclub opened in Paris, France, considered to be the world's first commercial discothèque, or disco ( deriving its name from the French word meaning a nightclub where the featured entertainment is recorded music rather than an on-stage band ).
Also in that year, she was made one of the visiting physicians of the East London Hospital for Children, becoming the first woman in Britain to be appointed to a medical post, but she found the duties of these two positions to be incompatible with her principal work in her private practice and the dispensary, as well as her role as a new mother, so she resigned from these posts by 1873.
Also, for the first time, American astronauts used an airlock to enter and exit the spacecraft like the Soviets.
Also in 1924, Herbert E. Ives of AT & T transmitted and reconstructed the first color facsimile, using color separations.
Also, in spite of ideological differences, Fascist Italy was the first western country to recognize the Soviet Union, in 1933 Fascist Italy had signed a friendship and nonaggression treaty with the Soviet Union, and in the late 1930s both Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany supported rapproachment with the Soviet Union.
Also, Fenway's first message board was added over the center field bleachers.
Also, gallium metal easily alloys with many metals, and was used in small quantities as a plutonium-gallium alloy in the plutonium cores of the first and third nuclear bombs, to help stabilize the plutonium crystal structure.
Also that year, Telecom Australia became the first network operator to deploy a GSM network outside Europe and the first practical hand-held GSM mobile phone became available.
Also in Busseto, Verdi was given his first lessons in composition.
Also in the 1970s, horror author Stephen King debuted on the film scene as many of his books were adapted for the screen, beginning with Brian De Palma's adaptation of King's first published novel, Carrie ( 1976 ), which was nominated for Academy Awards.
Also, a privately-owned Humvee was modified into the first Snow-Vee, including the addition of caterpillar tracks, a new rear compartment and a new engine.
Also, in commemoration of Alexander being named the first non-aboriginal chief of the Kwakiutl tribe, he was gifted a totem pole on 13 July 1946 ; crafted by Mungo Martin, it remains on the grounds of Rideau Hall today.
Also known as the Festival of Bikurim, or first fruits, it coincided in biblical times with the wheat harvest.
Also, during the first few seasons of the first of Lucille Ball's two 1960s television series, The Lucy Show, cast members including Vivian Vance often did commercials for Jell-O.

Also and transparent
Also available from this company are Snug-Grip Plasti-Bars, extruded of transparent acrylic material, which may be cemented to any corrugated acrylic background material.
Also, lead is ( mostly ) transparent to neutrons, so fewer neutrons are lost in the coolant, and the coolant does not become radioactive.
Also frequently visible through polarizing sunglasses are rainbow-like patterns caused by color-dependent birefringent effects, for example in toughened glass ( e. g., car windows ) or items made from transparent plastics.
Also known as an intercepting proxy or forced proxy, a transparent proxy intercepts normal communication at the network layer without requiring any special client configuration.
Also present are molecular hydrogen, atomic helium, C < sup > 18 </ sup > O, CS, NH < sub > 3 </ sub > ( ammonia ), H < sub > 2 </ sub > CO ( formaldehyde ), c-C < sub > 3 </ sub > H < sub > 2 </ sub > ( cyclopropenylidene ) and a molecular ion N < sub > 2 </ sub > H < sup >+</ sup > ( diazenylium ), all of which are relatively transparent.
Also, the development of photosensitizers which are excited at 750 – 900 nm, wavelengths of light to which the body is relatively transparent ( see Near-infrared window in biological tissue ), can achieve a greater depth of light penetration of up to 5 inches.
Also, light colored clothing goes transparent when wet that many people find appealing and sexy.
Also in their arsenal is a small device consisting of two spinning transparent crystals joined at their corners which forces human beings to do the aliens ' bidding.
Also, he wanted to make foreign policy decisions with America more transparent, from a popular perception that Japanese foreign policy was determined by insiders behind closed doors.

Also and ),
Also, as we now know, bosons also have antiparticles, but since bosons do not obey the Pauli exclusion principle ( only fermions do ), hole theory does not work for them.
Also Hippeis ( 316 BC ) ( in which he referred to the decree of Sophocles against the philosophers ), Pyraunos ( 312 BC ), Pharmakopole ( 306 BC ), Hypobolimaios ( 306 BC ), and Ankylion.
Also from there is the word bung, from the Sydney pidgin English ( and ultimately from the Sydney Aboriginal language ), meaning " dead ", with some extension to " broken " or " useless ".
Also of the same parish is St. Matthew's Church ( 1891 ), Abernant.
Also, a pair of coprime amicable numbers cannot be generated by Thabit's formula ( above ), nor by any similar formula.
Also, it is often erroneously cited that total plate appearances is the divisor ( i. e., denominator ) used in calculating on base percentage ( OBP ), an alternative measurement of a player's offensive performance ; in reality, the OBP denominator does not include certain PAs, such as times reached via either catcher ’ s interference or fielder ’ s obstruction.
Also, in this region, " box cutter " usually evokes only a specific subset of these knives ( the simpler type whose body consists only of a flat sleeve stamped from sheet steel ), and " pen knife " usually evokes only a folding pocket knife.
The Baptists have been non-creedal “ in that they have not sought to establish binding authoritative confessions of faith on one another .” Also rejecting creeds are groups with roots in the Restoration Movement, such as the Christian Church ( Disciples of Christ ), the Evangelical Christian Church in Canada and the Churches of Christ.
Also they oversaw the organization of festivals and games ( ludi ), which made this a very sought after office for a career minded politician of the late republic, as it was a good means of gaining popularity by staging spectacles.
Also, the Moon represents Yin (), and the Sun 太陽 represents Yang ( 陽 ).
Also, the palm forest of Vai in eastern Crete and the Dionysades ( both in the municipality of Sitia, Lasithi ), have diverse animal and plant life.
Also, due to the limitations of the data structures in the ATIP ( see below ), 90 and 99 minute blanks will identify as 80 minute ones.
Also at the centre of many early stories was Ena Sharples ( Violet Carson ), caretaker of the Glad Tidings Mission Hall, and her friends: timid Minnie Caldwell ( Margot Bryant ) and bespectacled Martha Longhurst ( Lynne Carol ).
Also sponsored by the PRC is the view that Chinese history should include all of China's ethnic groups past and present ( Zhonghua Minzu ), not just the history of the Han Chinese.
Also known as liquor carbonis detergens ( LCD ), and liquor picis carbonis ( Latin: coal tar solution ) ( LPC ), it can be used in medicated shampoo, soap and ointment, as a treatment for dandruff and psoriasis, as well as being used to kill and repel head lice.
Also, while Chaucer clearly states the addressees of many of his poems ( the Book of the Duchess is believed to have been written for John of Gaunt on the occasion of his wife's death in 1368 ), the intended audience of The Canterbury Tales is more difficult to determine.
Also, neither nor may be the start symbol, and the third production rule can only appear if ε is in L ( G ), namely, the language produced by the Context-Free Grammar G.
Also famous as a prose stylist, Hume pioneered the essay as a literary genre and engaged with contemporary intellectual luminaries such as Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Adam Smith ( who acknowledged Hume's influence on his economics and political philosophy ), James Boswell, Joseph Butler, and Thomas Reid.
Also noteworthy are Cheryl Lynn's " Got to Be Real " ( 1978 ), Evelyn " Champagne " King's " Shame " ( 1978 ), Cher's " Take Me Home " ( 1979 ), Sister Sledge's " We Are Family " ( 1979 ), Geraldine Hunt's " Can't Fake the Feeling " ( 1980 ), and Walter Murphy's various attempts to bring classical music to the mainstream, most notably his hit " A Fifth of Beethoven " ( 1976 ).

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