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Although and aggressive
The logo was redesigned with red and silver accents to depict a more powerful, aggressive falcon, which now more closely resembles the capital letter F. Although the Falcons still wore black helmets, the new uniforms featured jerseys and pants with red trim down the sides.
Although a product of the political culture of his day, he refused to play politics according to the usual rules and was not as aggressive in courting political support as he could have been.
Although generally slow-moving and sedentary, moose can become aggressive and move surprisingly fast if angered or startled.
Although he continued the Ostpolitik of his social-democratic predecessor, Kohl also supported Reagan's more aggressive policies in order to weaken the USSR.
Although there is much variation in species generally the more physically aggressive sex is the male, particularly in mammals.
Although Edward Barrett's behavior in disinheriting any of the children who married seems bizarre, there is no evidence of his being sexually aggressive toward any of the family members.
Although the 1945 – 1949 expulsion of Germans from the northern part of former East Prussia was often conducted in a violent and aggressive way by Soviet officials seeking revenge for Nazi crimes committed in the Soviet Union, the present Russian inhabitants of the Kaliningrad Oblast have much less animosity towards Germans.
Although McClellan was meticulous in his planning and preparations, these characteristics may have hampered his ability to challenge aggressive opponents in a fast-moving battlefield environment.
Although the town is only, the residents and government of Hillcrest Heights have been aggressive in keeping the status quo in the town.
Although their previous self-titled effort furthered dark themes and aggressive musicianship, Dogman marked a transitional point in the band's career with its considerably heavier sound than previous King's X records.
Although controversy continues regarding what might have happened had Lucas been more aggressive from the start, most commentators agree that the initial Anzio plan was flawed, questioning whether the initial landing of just over two infantry divisions with no supporting armour had had the strength to achieve the objective of cutting Route 6 and then holding off the inevitable counterattacks which would come as Kesselring re-deployed his forces.
Although of a slightly short and medium build ( 1. 73 m / 5 ft 8 "), Laver developed a technically complete serve-and-volley game, with aggressive groundstrokes to back it up.
Although they can become aggressive when defending young, or during the rut, wild yaks generally avoid humans, and may rapidly flee for great distances if any approach.
Although he broke the back of the Japanese naval airforce by sinking 3 carriers, 2 oilers and destroying about 600 enemy airplanes — so much so that for ADM Halsey in the Battle of Leyte Gulf a few months later the remaining Japanese carriers were used solely as decoys due to the lack of aircraft, and aircrews to fly them — Spruance has been criticized for not being aggressive enough in exploiting his success in the Philippine Sea.
Although venomous, these snakes are generally not aggressive and bites are rarely fatal.
Although not an instinctive, gifted pilot Malan was an exceptional shot and a very aggressive air fighter, and above all a superb tactician who instilled the methods and techniques he had honed in 1940 into successive generations of young fighter pilots who followed him.
Although they became more aggressive during François Mitterrand's presidency, major French newspapers are traditionally reluctant to challenge government corruption or pursue embarrassing scandals ( the rationale being that revealing political or business scandals only profits extremists of the far-left or far-right ); hence, the Canard fills that gap.
Although Masamune was a patron of the arts and sympathized with foreign causes, he was also an aggressive and ambitious daimyo.
Although she is standing and holding a pike, this depiction of Marianne is “ not exactly aggressive ”, representing the ideology of the conservative Girondins in the National Convention as they tried to move away from the “ frantic violence of the revolutionary days ”.
Although children are rejected by peers for many reasons, it is often the case that they are rejected due to violent or aggressive behavior.
Although they kept their music for the most part loud, fast, and aggressive, they threw in eclectic flourishes that were easy for casual listeners to miss.
Although their aggression has been exaggerated, on rare occasions territorial males will approach intruders in an aggressive manner.
Although he had singled out Alvinczi as his main target, it was only too clear that an aggressive move on the part of Davidovich or even by Wurmser might compel the French to abandon their operations against the main Austrian army and move every available man to reinforce the threatened area.
Although SAB ( then called Castle Breweries ) had established the first pub in South Africa in 1896, it did not begin to invest heavily in service industries until 1949 when an aggressive expansion thrust saw some £ 4. 5 million invested in hotels and pubs, as well as additional brewing facilities.

Although and encounters
Although " prescriptions " against the possibly deleterious consequences of these kinds of encounters vary, from Kierkegaard's religious " stage " to Camus ' insistence on persevering in spite of absurdity, the concern with helping people avoid living their lives in ways that put them in the perpetual danger of having everything meaningful break down is common to most existentialist philosophers.
Although several of the expeditions have reported close encounters, none have been able to provide incontrovertible proof that the creature exists.
Although the most significant events took place in the capital, there were violent encounters throughout England, particularly in East Anglia.
Although Johnny has encounters with many women, he remains fixated on Thumper ( whose real name is eventually revealed to Johnny but never to the reader ) throughout.
Although the majority of Super Mario 64 would end up featuring the free-roaming design, elements of the original fixed path concept would remain in certain parts of the game, particularly in the three Bowser encounters.
Although the move was planned by Romanian officials, her encounters were to be used as evidence incriminating her at a February 1960 trial for treason ( where Constantin Noica and Dinu Pillat were the main defendants ).
Although there have been frequent incidents where one state has charged the other with incursions, causing tense encounters along the McMahon Line following India's nuclear test in 1998 and continuing to the present, both sides generally attribute these to disagreements of less than a kilometer as to the exact location of the LAC.
Although Hagin often spoke of the dramatic spiritual encounters he claimed to have had, he always insisted that faith was to be established upon the word of God alone and not upon the experiences of man.
Although specific teachings will vary from group to group, charismatics generally believe that the baptism with the Holy Spirit occurs at the new birth and prefer to call subsequent encounters with the Holy Spirit by other names, such as " being filled ".
Although thwarted, the Grandmaster and his fellow Elders take an interest in Earth, and the Collector has two separate encounters with the Avengers, the second ending with his murder by the entity Korvac.
Although the plot is composed largely of sad events, the film often has a light-hearted atmosphere, achieved mostly through Kitano's character and his somewhat bizarre encounters.
Although the spacecraft included thrusters, after the planetary encounters they were used only for semiannual conical scanning maneuvers to track Earth in its orbit, leaving them on a long " cruise " phase through the outer solar system.
Although there were other large-scale encounters between the Australians and Viet Cong in later years, 1 ATF was not fundamentally challenged again.
Although there were a number of other large-scale encounters between the Australians and Viet Cong in later years, 1 ATF was not fundamentally challenged again.
Although smaller than side-striped jackals, the more aggressive black-backed jackals have been observed to dominate them in direct encounters.
Although she fancies herself as a jolly, upbeat joker, everyone who encounters Joyce finds her irritating and thick.
Although the discussion below focuses on armed encounters involving an exchange of fire, one must keep in mind that the British also captured numerous Danish privateers without firing a shot, and conducted an economic war, regularly seizing merchant vessels as prizes.
Although Vera and her family are poor, their strong family bonds hold them together, and we see Vera's constant small acts of kindness to the many people she encounters throughout her day.
Although he expects to have another boring summer, he encounters an orphaned dolphin which he names Flipper and with whom he forms a friendship.
Although amongst the Sunni scholars there is a difference of opinion about him being still alive, amongst Sunni Sufis there is almost a consensus that Khiḍr is still alive, with many respected figures and shaykhs, and prominent leaders claiming having had personal encounters with him.
Although it is generally assumed that antipathy causes avoidance, some empirical studies gathered evidence that an antipathetic reaction to objects was not followed by any effort to avoid future encounters.
** Although encounters between humanity and non-human intelligences serve as the primary theme in the series of novels by Arthur C. Clarke that began with 2001: A Space Odyssey, they also explore the irrationality produced by Cold War military secrecy.
Although all the residents of this land are dead, most of the residents of this town are harmless with the exception of the Boogeyman, who has been instructed by Malicia to capture Rosella ( but will also go after Valanice if he encounters her ); and Lady Tsepish, who will cause both women to die of fright when approached.
Although absent from the Washita battle ( 1868 ) and the Yellowstone Expedition ( 1873 ), Custer's encounters of substance with hostile Indians, Keogh did have sole responsibility for defending the Smoky Hill route against Indian raids from late 1866 to the summer of 1867.

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