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Although and usually
Although he questions the extent and nature of the alleged revival of religion and the alleged increase in conformity, and thinks that `` hedonistic '' present-time orientation does not have the meaning usually attributed to it, he does conclude that Americans increasingly enjoy leisure without guilt, do not stress achievement so much as formerly, are more accepting of group harmony as a goal, more tolerant of diversity and aware of other cultures.
Although Romans who had been adopted into a new family usually retained their old nomen in cognomen form ( e. g. Octavianus for one who had been an Octavius, Aemilianus for one who had been an Aemilius, etc.
Although works of precious gems and metals usually do not survive the ravages of time, some fine pieces of Assyrian jewelry were found in royal tombs at Nimrud.
Although variations of the blood supply to the adrenal glands ( and indeed the kidneys themselves ) are common, there are usually three arteries that supply each adrenal gland:
Although players usually use their sticks to move the ball around, they may use any part of their bodies other than their heads, hands or arms and may use their skates in a limited manner.
Although nude men were depicted standing upright, most depictions of female nudity in Greek art occurred " usually with drapery near at hand and with a forward-bending, self-protecting posture ".
Although not always seen, her mourning call is heard, usually at night when someone is about to die and usually around woods.
Although Douglas was always second billed under Lancaster in these films, their roles were usually more or less the same size with the exceptions of I Walk Alone, in which Douglas played a villain, and in Seven Days in May, where Douglas ' part was larger than Lancaster's but not as dramatic.
Although these two are often considered interchangeable, compilers and execution environments usually assign different signals to these.
Although he is usually credited with coining the phrase, he always insisted that it was suggested to him by somebody else.
Although cadmium usually has an oxidation state of + 2, it also exists in the + 1 state.
Although organizational communication, as a field of study, is usually geared toward companies and business groups, these may also be seen as communities.
Although the best treatment for comatose patients remains unknown, hospitals usually place comatose patients in an Intensive Care Unit ( ICU ) immediately.
Although one of his brothers became a clergyman and one of his sisters a missionary, Attlee himself is usually regarded as an agnostic.
Although all group 16 elements of the periodic table, including oxygen, are defined as chalcogens, oxygen and oxides are usually distinguished from chalcogens and chalcogenides.
Although it is usually translated as " element ", the Chinese word xing literally means something like " changing states of being ", " permutations " or " metamorphoses of being ".
( Although mutual orthogonality is the only condition, these vectors are usually constructed for ease of decoding, for example columns or rows from Walsh matrices.
Although production was usually about 57, 000 – 59, 000 tons annually in the 1980s, the acreage harvested declined from in the early 1980s to in 1999, indicating a greater yield per acre.
Although The Moonstone is usually seen as the first detective novel, a number of critics suggest that the lesser known Notting Hill Mystery ( 1862 – 63 ), written by the pseudonymous " Charles Felix ", preceded it by a number of years and first used techniques that would come to define the genre.
Although Tacitus is usually considered to be the most reliable author of this era, his views on Domitian are complicated by the fact that his father-in-law, Gnaeus Julius Agricola, may have been a personal enemy of the Emperor.
Although not usually stated in polynomial form, this example is equivalent to the polynomial equation 4xyz = yzn + xzn + xyn = n ( yz + xz + xy ).</ td >
Although usually trivalent, europium readily forms divalent compounds.
Although sunlight is free and abundant, solar electricity is still usually more expensive to produce than large-scale mechanically generated power due to the cost of the panels.
Although ephemeris time was defined in principle by the orbital motion of the Earth around the Sun, it was usually measured in practice by the orbital motion of the Moon around the Earth.

Although and broadly
Although some philosophers, such as Daniel Dennett, have disputed the validity of this distinction, others have broadly accepted it.
Although formally organised party politics plays no role in the States of Jersey assembly, members often vote together in two main blocs – a minority of members, holding broadly progressive views and critical of the Council of Ministers versus a majority of members, of conservative ideology, who support the Council of Ministers.
Although observance of, or disregard for, the Law was primarily a matter of political expediency rather than legal principle, it was broadly understood to prevail in domains that were originally Frankish or at some time accepted Salian Frankish juridical principles.
Although Zhou's ideas have not yet been broadly accepted, leaders meeting in April at the 2009 G-20 London summit agreed to allow $ 250 billion of special drawing rights to be created by the IMF, to be distributed globally.
Although causation from the biological — genetic and hormonal — to the behavioural has been broadly demonstrated and accepted, Money is careful to also note that understanding of the causal chains from biology to behaviour in sex and gender issues is very far from complete.
Although no completely resolved phylogeny for the family has yet been determined, these technological advances have allowed systematists to broadly circumscribe major lineages.
Although Dalton's theory lost credence in his own lifetime, the thorough and methodical nature of his research into his own visual problem was so broadly recognized that Daltonism became a common term for colour blindness.
Although Boyd ’ s 1999 essay was directed at “ universal banking ” that permitted commercial banks to own equity interests in non-financial firms ( i. e., “ commercial firms ”), the essay was interpreted more broadly to mean that “ expanding bank powers, by, for example, allowing nonbank firms to affiliate with banks, prior to undertaking reforms limiting TBTF-like coverage for uninsured bank creditors is putting the ‘ cart before the horse .’”
Although better known for his philosophical work, Malebranche made some notable contributions to physics, working within a broadly Cartesian framework but nevertheless prepared to depart from Descartes where necessary.
Although Felix was privately broadly supportive of her as a composer and a performer, he was cautious ( professedly for family reasons ) of her publishing her works under her own name.
Although Oldham had a thriving economy during the 19th century, the local merchants were broadly reluctant to spend on civic institutions, and so the town lacks the grandeur seen in comparable nearby towns like Bolton or Huddersfield ; public expenditure was seen as an overhead that undermined the competitiveness of the town.
Although a broadly parallel evolution with early, middle and younger Bell Beaker Culture was detected, the Southern Germany middle Bell Beaker development of metope decorations and stamp and furrow engraving techniques do not appear on beakers in Austria-Western Hungary, and handled beakers are completely absent.
Although wildlife corridors have been proposed as solutions to habitat and wildlife population fragmentation, there is little evidence that they are broadly useful as a conservation strategy for all biodiversity in non-developed or less-developed areas, compared to protecting connectivity as the relevant ecological attribute.
Although things such as home ownership, pension plans, and Individual Retirement Accounts ( IRAs ) can be broadly considered " tax shelters ", insofar as funds in them are not taxed, provided that they are held within the Individual Retirement Account for the required amount of time, the term " tax shelter " was originally used to describe primarily certain investments made in the form of limited partnerships, some of which were deemed by the U. S. Internal Revenue Service to be abusive.
Although the coalition to which the Ploughmen's Front belonged failed to win a majority in the Grand National Assembly, the communists arranged for a fraudulent count of the votes cast in the elections, thereby " confirming " Groza as premier, despite protests by the United States and the United Kingdom who held that, pursuant to the agreements reached at the Yalta Conference in 1945, only " interim governmental authorities broadly representative of the population ", should be supported by the major powers.
Although the logic has also been studied for its own sake, more broadly, ideas from linear logic have been influential in fields such as programming languages, game semantics, and quantum physics, and to a lesser extent in linguistics ( see Glue Semantics ) particularly because of its emphasis on resource-boundedness, duality, and interaction.
Although the terms Yacht Club and Sailing Club tend to be synonymous, some general differences regarding the recreational use of boats can be broadly outlined.
Although the continuity of the audio plays and the BBC's Eighth Doctor Adventures diverge sharply from each other, they both broadly appear to maintain continuity with the Virgin series ; Big Finish's early Bernice Summerfield works did not.
Although its left-wing, Libertarian socialist leaning editorial line has remained broadly unchanged-it is non-party political and committed to radical change within and between rich and poor countries-the approach has been modified over the years.
Although Schreker was influenced by composers such as Richard Strauss and Richard Wagner, his mature style shows a highly individual harmonic language, which, although broadly tonal, is inflected with chromatic and polytonal passages.
Although the strip was Belgian, Hergé was inconsistent or vague about assigning Tintin a nationality, depicting him instead as broadly European.
Although God's Army dealt with the overtly religious subject of LDS missionaries, and many LDS comedies are sometimes incomprehensible to people outside the LDS Church, a growing trend moves toward making LDS-themed movies more broadly accessible.
Although the US and Canadian national standards deal with the same physical phenomena and broadly similar objectives, they differ occasionally in technical detail.
Although there are many different versions, the composition stays broadly the same.

1.110 seconds.