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Some Related Sentences

object and is
The supreme object of their lives is now fulfilled, says the wife, her husband has achieved immortality.
But by comparison with the railroad, the motor car is a relatively new object of popular worship, so it is too much to hope that it may be brought within the bounds of civilized usage quickly and easily.
One consequence is the occurrence of occasional conflicts because private owners of some inholdings object to public programs of use on neighboring National Forest or other Federal land, or because such ownerships are developed for uses that are not compatible with use for the public of neighboring National Forest land.
Just because a tree or other object appears in a certain spot is absolutely no reason to place it in the same position in the painting, unless the position serves the design of the whole composition.
My object, rather, is to alert you to an aspect or two of the affair that could have the gravest implications for you, far beyond the legal sanctions society might inflict.
In the Steiners have busy lives without visiting relatives only context can indicate whether visiting relatives is equivalent in meaning to paying visits to relatives or to relatives who are visiting them, and in I looked up the number and I looked up the chimney only the meanings of number and chimney make it clear that up is syntactically a second complement in the first sentence and a preposition followed by its object in the second.
If a litigant chooses to enforce a Federal right in a State court, he cannot be heard to object if he is treated exactly as are plaintiffs who press like claims arising under State law with regard to the form in which the claim must be stated -- the particularity, for instance, with which a cause of action must be described.
Therefore, if the sense of touch is functioning normally and there is a complete absence of spatial awareness in a psychically-blind person when the eyes are closed and an object is handled, the conclusion seems unavoidable that touch by itself cannot focus and take possession of the third-dimensionality of things and that actual sight or visual representations are necessary.
A Pollock is an object of art -- bijouterie -- disguised only by its great size.
the language, however, is a proper object of scrutiny, and the effects of the language are palpable even if sometimes inevitable.
The DC statement is used to name and enter constants into the object program.
Hereby, the external object viewed by the eyes remains the thing that is seen, not the retinal image, the purpose of which would be to achieve perceptive cooperation by stirring sympathetic impulses in the other sensory centers, motor tensions, associated word symbols, and consciousness.
By using instruments of gradually increasing size, the vagina is gently, and with minimum pain at each stage, taught to yield to an object of the appropriate shape.
the cinematic element of time is merely used to increase the realism of an object which would still be reasonably realistic in a still photo.
and again, that `` the object of non-violent resistance is partly analogous to this object of war -- namely, to demoralize the opponent, to break his will, to destroy his confidence, enthusiasm, and hope.
These voters view the political process as a secret conspiracy, the object of which is to plunder them ''.
Science is fully competent to deal with any element of experience which arises from an object in space and time.
That community of all creation is, then, the ultimate object of our loyalty and the concrete norm of all moral judgment.
Cultural anthropology also covers economic and political organization, law and conflict resolution, patterns of consumption and exchange, material culture, technology, infrastructure, gender relations, ethnicity, childrearing and socialization, religion, myth, symbols, values, etiquette, worldview, sports, music, nutrition, recreation, games, food, festivals, and language ( which is also the object of study in linguistic anthropology ).
The name " Alaska " ( Аляска ) was already introduced in the Russian colonial period, when it was used only for the peninsula and is derived from the Aleut alaxsxaq, meaning " the mainland " or, more literally, " the object towards which the action of the sea is directed ".

object and uniquely
For example, there are names that have the role of properties that uniquely identify an object.
Keller was frustrated, at first, because she did not understand that every object had a word uniquely identifying it.
* Object Identity: It is important that each object is uniquely identified across the whole database.
Often a second, additional meaning is intended by using the word prime, namely that any object can be, essentially uniquely, decomposed into its prime components.
A cone to the empty diagram is essentially just an object of C. The limit of F is any object that is uniquely factored through by every other object.
In metadata, an identifier is a language-independent label, sign or token that uniquely identifies an object within an identification scheme.
According to descriptivist theories, proper names either are synonymous with descriptions, or have their reference determined by virtue of the name's being associated with a description or cluster of descriptions that an object uniquely satisfies.
In information retrieval a query does not uniquely identify a single object in the collection.
Keller was frustrated, at first, because she did not understand that every object had a word uniquely identifying it.
A digital object identifier ( DOI ) is a character string ( a " digital identifier ") used to uniquely identify an object such as an electronic document.
An Interoperable Object Reference ( IOR ) is a CORBA or RMI-IIOP reference that uniquely identified an object on a remote CORBA server.
Since there may be several objects in the database corresponding to a single surrogate, we cannot use the surrogate as a primary key ; another attribute is required, in addition to the surrogate, to uniquely identify each object.
A ten-character NAC can uniquely specify any building, house, or fixed object in the world.
A capability is typically implemented as a privileged data structure that consists of a section that specifies access rights, and a section that uniquely identifies the object to be accessed.
The capability logically consists of a reference that uniquely identifies a particular object and a set of one or more of these rights.
To ensure that an EPC always uniquely identifies an individual physical object, in the case of a GTIN, the EPC is constructed as a serialised Serialised Global Trade Item Number ( SGTIN ) by combining a GTIN product identifier with a unique serial number.
EPC encoding schemes are used to uniquely identify one object.
An object is uniquely defined by the name of the file in which it comes from, plus, if a clone, a numeric identifier.
An object identifier ( or object ID or OID ) uniquely identifies a managed object in the MIB hierarchy.

object and identified
In astronomy, a given point on the celestial sphere ( that is, the apparent position of an astronomical object ) can be identified using any of several astronomical coordinate systems, where the references vary according to the particular system.
Although he is best known for discovering the dwarf planet Pluto in 1930, the first object to be discovered in what would later be identified as the Kuiper belt, Tombaugh also discovered many asteroids ; he also called for serious scientific research of unidentified flying objects.
But no object can be identified if none exists.
The total energy contained in an object is identified with its mass, and energy cannot be created or destroyed.
UDFj-39546284, a galaxy which was identified as the most distant object in the universe from Earth as of January 2011, is located in Fornax.
The coronal discharges identified as Kirlian auras are the result of stochastic electric ionization processes, and are greatly affected by many factors, including the voltage and frequency of the stimulus, the pressure with which a person or object touches the imaging surface, the local humidity around the object being imaged, how well grounded the person or object is, and other local factors affecting the conductivity of the person or object being imaged.
Once the nearest object has been identified, the algorithm will estimate the incoming light at the point of intersection, examine the material properties of the object, and combine this information to calculate the final color of the pixel.
: When sent from client to server, ANNOUNCE posts the description of a presentation or media object identified by the request URL to a server.
*, the first object to be identified as a scattered disc object.
Mass was identified as a fundamental property of objects connected to their inertia, while weight became identified with the force of gravity on an object and therefore dependent on the context of the object.
She is identified with the hearth as a physical object, and the abstractions of community and domesticity, but portrayals of her are rare, and seldom secure.
* The time delay of light passing close to a massive object was first identified by Irwin I. Shapiro in 1964 in interplanetary spacecraft signals.
A name is bound to an object in the directory by storing either the object or a reference to the object in the directory service identified by the name.

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