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Page "Alcamo" ¶ 9
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Another and village
Another village, Golygino was founded later.
Another important church built in the 11th century is the Patron Saint church of San Giovanni Battista, located in the oldest section of the village also known as " Su Piggiu ".
Another theory is that the diamond came from the Kollur mines, near the village Kollur in the present-day Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh in India.
Another village was located in Grapevine Canyon near the present site of Scotty's Castle.
Another Oraibi leader, Lomahongyoma, competed with Lololoma for village leadership.
Another touristic destination is the Au peninsula at the village of Au between Wädenswil and Horgen.
Another 11 men who were not in the village were arrested and murdered soon afterwards along with several others already under arrest.
Another 11 men who were not in the village that day were arrested and murdered soon afterwards as were eight men and seven women already under arrest because they had relations serving with the Czech army in exile in the United Kingdom.
Another claim has them named after the village of Lamington, South Lanarkshire in Scotland.
Another notable tomb, called the Tomb of the Royal Steward, is now incorporated into a modern-period house in the main street of the village.
Another small group of ruins in the same style is found at the village of Hajjiäbäd, on the Pulwar, a good hour's walk above Takhti Jamshid.
Another figure of legend is Tui Fiti who resides at Fagamalo village in the village district of Matautu.
Another well known God is Jamal Tai Tofolonga Nofoal ' ii Tokelau Misifoa he is the god of WAR he is so powerful that where ever or who ever he passes there will be chaos and War will begin, It is said that the god of war is the one who started world war 2 and lead the Germans to Samoa to destroy the village that is said to have imprisoned the god, The god of war has died, but when a god or goddess dies it is reincarnated into another soul and we think that it would be Jamal Tai Tofolonga Nofoal ' ii Tokelau Misifoa because his family was realated to the god of war, but who knows if the legend is true.
Another building in the mill village housed a firehouse, clubhouse, jail, and a reading room and library.
Another tradition records the village being named after a French railroad worker called ' Pierre ', with San being added to provide more importance to the name.
Another feature on the website are " squint shots "— a picture is shown each day of something in and / or around the village of Fowlerville.
Another source, " A history of the origin of the place names connected with the Chicago & North Western and Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha railways ( 1908, p115 )" claims the village was named after " Edward Powers, a civil engineer engaged in constructing the railroad there.
Another Detroit judge, Benjamin F. H. Witherell, son of Michigan Supreme Court justice James Witherell, attempted to found a village platted as Cassandra on this site in 1836, but this plan also failed.
: Another Victory is a village in Saratoga County, New York.
Another school in the village is the Barnesville Independent Elementary School.
Another prominent structure in the village was a mausoleum ; built of marble in 1911, it was the first mausoleum in Darke County.
Another notable village is Forsmark ( pop.
Another famous Williams ( not related ) in the area is George Williams ( YMCA ), the founder of the YMCA whose officials and students of Chicago-based George Williams College frequently met just west of the town of Williams Bay and later established a camp in the village on the shores of Lake Geneva.

Another and considered
Another group that may be considered Arian is the Church of God ( 7th day )-Salem Conference.
Another court restriction overturned is the interpretation that an impairment that substantially limits one major life activity must also limit others to be considered a disability.
Another approach is to say that “ art ” is basically a sociological category, that whatever art schools and museums and artists define as art is considered art regardless of formal definitions.
Another legend held that Apollo walked to Delphi from the north and stopped at Tempe, a city in Thessaly, to pick laurel ( also known as bay tree ) which he considered to be a sacred plant.
Another example from computer science is that an expert system may be taught by a human and thereafter considered an expert, often outperforming human beings at particular tasks.
Another theory, considered by New Cambridge editor Kathleen Irace, holds that Q1 is an abridged version intended especially for travelling productions.
Another view is that Zwingli did not pay much attention to Luther's theology and in fact he considered it as part of the humanist reform movement.
Another criticism of image veneration is found in the non-canonical 2nd-century Acts of John ( generally considered a gnostic work ), in which the Apostle John discovers that one of his followers has had a portrait made of him, and is venerating it:
Another technique used to avoid bias is disclosure of affiliations that may be considered a possible conflict of interest.
" Another variant model is the one alleging that certain men think in terms of a virgin / whore dichotomy, in which women who do not adhere to an Abrahamic standard of moral purity are considered " whores ".
Another common distinction is between occlusives ( stops and nasals ) and continuants ( all else ); affricates are considered to be both, because they are sequences of stop plus fricative.
Another example of what might be considered by some to be excessive issues is that, at the time of the millennium, the United Kingdom issued 96 different stamps over about 24 months, all for pre-existing values with the same four rates for each set.
Another critique of the game system has been the large effect of character age on skills, usually considered the most important character attributes.
Another, more recently developed, theory, the Handicap principle of Amotz Zahavi, Russell Lande and W. D. Hamilton, holds that the fact that the male of the species is able to survive until and through the age of reproduction with such a seemingly maladaptive trait is effectively considered by the female to be a testament to his overall fitness.
Another key player on the Eagles offense was halfback Wilbert Montgomery, who was widely considered one of the top running backs in the NFL and had rushed for over 1, 200 rushing yards in the last 2 seasons.
Another contributor on the Titans offense was fullback Lorenzo Neal, who frequently served as George's lead blocker and was widely considered one of the best blocking backs in the league.
Another definition, considered outdated by several authors ,< ref name =" sofiaecho. com ">
Another interesting finding is that the region, which was once considered to be critical for speech by Broca, is not precisely the same region as what is now known as Broca's area.
Another issue in the Election of 1880 was Chinese immigration ; those in the West, particularly California, were opposed to Chinese immigration, considered antithetical to normal economic growth in that region.
Another designer might equally well design a set membership function where the glass would be considered full for all values down to 50 ml.
Another target being considered for HIV antivirals include RNase H – which is a component of reverse transcriptase that splits the synthesized DNA from the original viral RNA.
Another view has it that a decade would transpire until Solomon Burke's early recordings for Atlantic Records codified the soul style ; his early 1960s songs " Cry to Me ", " Just Out of Reach " and " Down in the Valley " are considered classics of the genre.
The episode " Brother from Another Series " ( season eight, 1997 ) reveals that Bob only received the job after his younger brother Cecil failed an audition, because Krusty considered Bob to be a perfect comic foil.
" Another reader is described as obsessing on the book at all hours and having considered renaming her daughter Eva.

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