
As of December 30, 2010, the crossing charge for a two-axle passenger vehicle is $ 6. 50 charged in each direction, with a $ 1. 70 discount for New York State E-ZPass users.

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As of December 30, 2010, the crossing charge for a two-axle passenger vehicle is increased to $ 3. 25 ( cash ), $ 2. 17 ( token ), and $ 1. 80 ($ 1. 45 discount ) for E-ZPass users.

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As of December 30, 2010, the crossing charge for a two-axle passenger vehicle is $ 6. 50 charged in each direction, with a $ 1. 70 discount for E-ZPass users.

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As of December 30, 2010, the crossing charge for a two-axle passenger vehicle is $ 6. 50 charged in each direction, with a $ 1. 70 discount for New York State E-ZPass users.

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