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Page "Food and Agriculture Organization" ¶ 9
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result and savings
Though far from completion, these studies indicated beyond a doubt that savings would result which would be of unprecedented benefit to the railroads concerned, their investors, their customers, their users, and to the public at large.
In total, these increases in operating costs outweigh the savings that result from declining programs and from economy measures, such as reduced numbers of units and installations, smaller inventories of major equipment, and improvements in the supply and distribution systems of the Armed Forces.
In part as a result, numerous studies have indicated that the procurement volume must be sufficiently high to provide sufficient profits to attract enough suppliers, and provide buyers with enough savings to cover their additional costs.
This is predicted to result in a long-term cost savings relative to multiple daily injections.
As a result of the conditions of the Treaty of Versailles, hyperinflation spread across Germany and many lost their life savings.
Hagelin predicted that implementation of the program would result in $ 1 trillion in savings from reduced costs for medical care, criminal prosecutions and prisons, national defense, and other government expenses.
This, in turn, would result in savings for the installer of such cable.
However, some former slaves managed to amass savings, which clearly demonstrates that in net terms the slave owners were less well off in income terms as well as capital as a result of abolition.
In February 2008, local officials rejected the urging of local politician Kevin Gaughan to reduce the size of the village board, stating that no financial savings would result.
Half-time telecommuting by those with compatible jobs ( 40 %) and a desire to do so ( 79 %) would save companies, communities, and employees over $ 650 billion a year — the result of increased productivity, reduced office expense, lower absenteeism and turnover, reduced travel, less road repairs, less gas consumption, and other savings.
A 2007 study of National Science Foundation employees indicated that approximately one-third participated in telework regularly, characterized staff satisfaction with the program, and noted savings in employee time and greenhouse-gas emissions as a result of telework.
; Total Cost of Ownership ( TCO ): In combination, the benefits above may result in cost savings to an organization developing enterprise applications.
The result was a 30 kg weight savings for a curb weight of 1, 400 kg.
It can also be demonstrated that management intensive rotational grazing system also result in time savings because the majority of work which might otherwise require human labor is transmitted to the herd.
According to the FAQ about Nutch, an open-source search engine website, the savings in bandwidth by distributed web crawling are not significant, since " A successful search engine requires more bandwidth to upload query result pages than its crawler needs to download pages ...".
In 2007, it began composting food waste which is expected to result in an 85 % reduction in waste and $ 100, 000 annual savings.
Supporters were mostly from the northern states and the coastal regions, who argued the Navy would result in savings in insurance and ransom payments, while opponents from southern states and inland regions thought a navy was not worth the expense and would drive the United States into more costly wars.
CSCW can also result in major cost savings to companies who implement virtual teams and allow employees to work at home by eliminating the need for travel, rented office space, parking, electricity office equipment, etc.
It is expected that COGD will result in water savings of 80 % compared to SAGD.
The brand was known for producing high quality cycles at a relatively low price, as the result of a very high degree of factory automation and a resultingly low labor force with attendant savings in salaries and benefits.
Tainter concludes that considerable hardship will be required to adjust to an economy that is ( a ) smaller ( b ) reliant more on individuals to carry out their own primary production, say in gardens and farms ( c ) not investing in problem solving to a greater extent than is warranted by the actual savings in energy that result out the other end.
Since write-offs and savings rates both spike in recessions, both of which result in shrinkage of credit, the resulting drop in aggregate demand can worsen and perpetuate the recession in a vicious cycle.
As a result, much of the retirement savings invested in their unsuccessful ROBS plan was depleted or ‘ lost ,’ in many cases even before they had begun to offer their product or service to the public.
* The Equal Justice Before the Law Act -- to crackdown on white collar crime ( e. g. levy stiff penalties in conjunction with savings and loan bailout ; ban on bidding by companies that defraud federal government on procurement contracts ; impose criminal penalties for willful violation of child labor laws by employers that result in serious bodily injury or death of minors in the workplace ; treat child labor imports as contraband ; and eliminate deductibility of legal expenses when a company is accused of a crime );

result and about
As a result, it takes a little longer than it would on the outside where the family physician knows about the patient.
Other than this very significant result, most of the information now available about the radio emission of the planets is restricted to the intensity of the radiation.
As a matter of fact, the incorrect classification, the result of many weeks of labor by Dr. Hilprecht, was about to be published by him the following day.
At the same time, there was increased reason for a quick meeting lest the Soviet leader, as a result of those episodes, come to a dangerously erroneous conclusion about the West's ability and determination to resist Communist pressure.
As a result, ever since 1851 when the Senate restaurant opened in the new wing of the Capitol Building, the senators have never ceased to grumble about the food -- even while they opposed every move that might improve it.
He is talking about an action which just as efficaciously does an evil thing ( and is known certainly and unavoidably to lead to this evil result ) as it efficaciously does some good.
For example, Madagascar's central highland plateau has become virtually totally barren ( about ten percent of the country ), as a result of slash-and-burn deforestation, an element of shifting cultivation practiced by many natives.
The warning — a result of violent activity springing from Mexico's drug cartel debacle — took college campuses by storm, with some schools going so far as to warn their students about the risks of travel to Mexico over spring break.
As a result of this, powered descent to the lunar surface began about six hours behind schedule.
The Baltic Sea's salinity is much lower than that of ocean water ( which averages 35 ‰), as a result of abundant freshwater runoff from the surrounding land, combined with the shallowness of the sea itself ; indeed, runoff contributes roughly one-fortieth its total volume per year, as the volume of the basin is about 21, 000 km³ and yearly runoff is about 500 km³.
The death of Hildeburg ’ s brother Hnæf, son ( s ) and, later, her husband Finn the Frisian king are sung about as the result of fighting in Frisia between the visiting Danish chieftain Hnæf and his retainers ( including one Hengest ) and Finn's followers.
However, Bede, like Gregory the Great whom Bede quotes on the subject in the Historia, felt that faith brought about by miracles was a stepping stone to a higher, truer faith, and that as a result miracles had their place in a work designed to instruct.
According to Ivinskaya, " If ever the conversation turned to Mandelstam, Leonidovich would always hark back to the same thing: that he was not to blame for his misfortunes, and that if he had not written to Bukharin and in general made a great fuss about his arrest, then perhaps Mandelstam would not even have had the respite, brief as it was, which was granted to him -- with the result that the Voronezh Notebooks might never have been written.
These changes came about partly as the result of the urgings of Edwin Samuel Montagu, an influential anti-Zionist Jew and secretary of state for India, who was concerned that the declaration without those changes could result in increased anti-Semitic persecution.
Attitudinal barriers come about as a result of problems with staff in an organization.
These may be brought about, for example, by such factors as poor management, lack of consultation with employees, personality conflicts which can result in people delaying or refusing to communicate, the personal attitudes of individual employees which may be due to lack of motivation or dissatisfaction at work, brought about by insufficient training to enable them to carry out particular tasks, or just resistance to change due to entrenched attitudes and ideas.
As a result of the Geneva Conference on Indochina, Cambodia was able to bring about the withdrawal of the Viet Minh troops from its territory and to withstand any residual impingement upon its sovereignty by external powers.
They argue that genes determine the architecture of a learning system, but that specific " facts " about how grammar works can only be learned as a result of experience.
As a result, it could be argued that there is a moral imperative for an agent to inform himself as much as possible about a situation before judging the appropriate course of action.
The plane of the outer ring is distorted, which suggests that NGC 4650A is the result of a galaxy collision about a billion years ago.
As a result, about one third of the volume of the transient crater is formed by the ejection of material, and the remaining two thirds is formed by the displacement of material downwards, outwards and upwards, to form the elevated rim.
But the result was not pre-planned, as Beaux ’ s sister later explained, " Please make no mystery about it — it was only an idea to put the black kitten on her cousin's shoulder.

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