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At and 1939
At the 18th Party Congress ( 10 – 21 March 1939 ) the department specializing in industry was abolished and replaced by a division focusing on personnel management, ideology and verification fulfillment.
) She also performed some acrobatics while trying to steal a wallet from Groucho Marx in the Marx Brothers film At the Circus ( 1939 ).
* At the Circus ( 1939 )
At the same time from 1938 to 1939, Italy was demanding territorial and colonial concessions from France and Britain.
At first Germany's military moves were brilliantly successful, as in the " blitzkrieg " invasions of Poland ( 1939 ), Norway ( 1940 ), the Low Countries ( 1940 ), and above all the stunningly successful invasion and quick conquest of France in 1940.
At the same time, throughout early 1939, Germany and the Soviet Union had discussed a possibility of an economic deal involving industrial equipment and armament for the USSR in exchange for raw materials needed for German war production.
At the same time, British, French and Soviet negotiators scheduled three-party talks on military matters to occur in Moscow in August 1939, aiming to define what the agreement would specify should be the reaction of the three powers to a German attack.
At the end of October 1939, Germany enacted the death penalty for disobedience to the German occupation.
At least three times, discoveries of the element 93 were falsely reported, as bohemium and ausonium in 1934, and then sequanium in 1939.
In 1939, Pius XII turned the Vatican into a centre of aid which he organized from various parts of the world At the request of the Pope, an information office for prisoners of war and refugees operated in the Vatican under Giovanni Battista Montini, which in the years of its existence from 1939 until 1947 received almost 10 million ( 9, 891, 497 ) information requests and produced over 11 million ( 11, 293, 511 ) answers about missing persons.
At the end of 1939, when Lazarsfeld submitted a second application for funding, the musical section of the study was duly left out.
At the outbreak of World War II, Margaret and her sister were at Birkhall, on the Balmoral Castle estate, where they stayed until Christmas 1939 enduring nights so cold that drinking water in carafes by their bedside froze.
At age 22 he was elected president of the club and served in that office until 1939.
At the end of World War I the city became part of the newly independent Second Polish Republic, as the capital of the Białystok Voivodeship ( 1919 – 1939 ).
At the 1939 New York World's Fair, National Presto Industries, known as the " National Pressure Cooker Company " at the time, introduced its own pressure cooker.
At the outbreak of World War II in 1939 he was running his own machine tools business in London and later worked for the Ministry of Supply.
At the 11th Academy Awards held on February 23, 1939, La Grande Illusion became the first foreign language film nominated for the Academy Award for Best Picture.
At a formal investigation in 1939, and in 1956 while trying to rehabilitate Berg, no data was found.
At the outbreak of World War II, in 1939, the International Secretariat was moved to New York City.
At first, Hitler rebuffed Soviet diplomatic hints that Stalin desired a treaty, but in early August 1939, Hitler authorised Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop to begin serious negotiations.
At the time, the Chicago Tribunes movie critic, Michael Wilmington, called Hell's Hinges " Hart's acknowledged masterpiece ," " perhaps the finest movie Western made before John Ford's 1939 Stagecoach ," and " as emotionally powerful as any American film of the teens, except for the masterpieces of D. W. Griffith and Erich Von Stroheim.
It featured an introduction by her friend William Butler Yeats, who wrote several pieces based on the legend, including the plays On Baile's Strand ( 1904 ), The Green Helmet ( 1910 ), At the Hawk's Well ( 1917 ), The Only Jealousy of Emer ( 1919 ) and The Death of Cuchulain ( 1939 ), and a poem, Cuchulain's Fight with the Sea ( 1892 ).
At the same time, Irving put a copy of Hitler's " Prophecy Speech " of 30 January 1939, promising the " annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe " if " Jewish financiers " started another world war, onto his wall.
At the 1939 Bayreuth Festival Hitler warned Unity and Diana Mitford that war with England was inevitable within weeks and they should return home.

At and New
At the time of his capture Helion had on his person a sketchbook he had bought at Woolworth's in New York.
At a recent meeting of the Women's Association of the Trumbull Ave. United Presbyterian Church, considerable use was made of material from The Detroit News on the King James version of the New Testament versus the New English Bible.
At this time of crisis in our Nation's commuter railroads, a new threat to the continued operations of the New York Central has appeared in the form of the Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad's proposal for control of the Baltimore & Ohio railroads.
At the Westminster KC Dog Show in Madison Square Garden, New York on the second day, the Finals of the Junior Class brought out the most competitive competition in the history of this Class.
At the recent horse show convention in New York it was stated that this Intermediate Judging Class is meeting with great success and will be a great help to future judges in the horse world.
At Sturbridge Village, Massachusetts, you'll find a completely-restored New England town.
At one extreme are the systems of upper New York State, where libraries in two or more counties combine to serve a large, sparsely populated area.
At one time I became disturbed in the faith in which I had grown up by the apparent inroads being made upon both Old and New Testaments by a `` Higher Criticism '' of the Bible, to refute which I felt the need of a better knowledge of Hebrew and of archaeology, for it seemed to me that to pull out some of the props of our faith was to weaken the entire structure.
At New Orleans, 25-mile-square Lake Pontchartrain has few squalls and year-long boating.
* 1890 – At Auburn Prison in New York, murderer William Kemmler becomes the first person to be executed by electric chair.
It was recorded with musical accompaniment for the first time in 1930 by Fiddlin ' John Carson, although to another folk hymn named " At the Cross ", not to " New Britain ".
* 1954 – At Massena, New York, the groundbreaking ceremony for the Saint Lawrence Seaway is held.
At this time, Lord Sandwich, together with the President of the Royal Society, Sir Joseph Banks, was advocating establishment of a British colony in New South Wales.
At the end of his presidency, Clinton moved to New York and helped his wife win election to the U. S. Senate there.
At Isaiah 43: 10, as per New World Translation reads: "' You are my witnesses ,' is the utterance of Jehovah, ' even my servant whom I have chosen.
At the southwest corner of Central Park, Broadway crosses Eighth Avenue at West 59th Street ; on the site of the former New York Coliseum convention center is the new shopping center at the foot of the Time Warner Center, headquarters of Time Warner.
At the intersection of Columbus Avenue and West 65th Street, Broadway passes by the Juilliard School and Lincoln Center, both well-known performing arts landmarks, as well as a temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ( the Mormon or LDS Church ), known as the Manhattan New York Temple.
At the time of its formation BSC comprised around 90 percent of the UK's steelmaking capacity, had around 268, 500 employees and around 200 wholly or partly owned subsidiaries based in the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Africa, South Asia, and South America.
*" Families Of 39 Lost At Sea Begin $ 20-Million Suit Here ", The New York Times, June 4, 1969.
*" Ship Missing In Bermuda Triangle Now Presumed To Be Lost At Sea ", The New York Times, October 19, 1976.
At the end of November, a meeting was held in the rooms of Canon John Collins, chaired by the editor of the New Statesman, Kingsley Martin, to launch the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.
At that time, in addition to practicing law, Hughes taught at New York Law School with Woodrow Wilson.
At that time, most television programs were broadcast live, and as the largest markets were in New York, the rest of the country received only kinescope images.
At the International Zoological Congress at Budapest in 1927, Mayr was introduced by Stresemann to banker and naturalist Walter Rothschild, who asked him to undertake an expedition to New Guinea on behalf of himself and the American Museum of Natural History in New York.

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