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Some Related Sentences

BSL and users
The language contact post secondary education between Australian ISL users and ' Australian BSL ' users accounts for some of the dialectal differences we see between modern BSL and Auslan.
In his September 2004 interview with SIGN MATTERS, he commented: " The word ‘ Deaf ’ has several different perceptions out there ranging from those deaf through old age to Deaf BSL users.

BSL and have
Auslan, BSL and NZSL have 82 % of signs identical ( using concepts from a Swadesh list ).
Interpreters must have an advanced knowledge of English and BSL and must be able to process information quickly and accurately.
Interpreters may apply for the status of " Junior Trainee Interpreter " after completing the Level III / NVQ 3 BSL assessment ( they must also be enrolled on a recognised interpreter training programme, have completed some initial training and have professional indemnity insurance to register ).
A large number of jurisdictions have enacted breed-specific legislation ( BSL ) in response to a number of well-publicized incidents involving pit bull-type dogs, and some government organizations such as the United States Army and Marine Corps have taken administrative action as well.
Auslan is related to British Sign Language ( BSL ); the three have descended from the same parent language, and together comprise the BANZSL language family.
These two dialects may have roots in older dialectic differences from the United Kingdom, brought over by Deaf immigrants who founded the first schools for the deaf in Australia — English varieties ( from London ) in Melbourne and Scottish ones ( from Edinburgh ) in Sydney, although the relationship between lexical variation in the UK and Australia appears much more complicated than this ( some Auslan signs appear similar to signs used in the Newcastle variety of BSL, for example ).
Every Scottish qualification-from the Access level for those with learning difficulties to a Doctorate and including vocational as well as ESOL and BSL qualifications-is allocated A Levels and credit value within this framework, which all partners have agreed to recognise.
BSL, Auslan and NZSL all have their roots in a deaf sign language used in Britain during the 19th century.
Jeff McWhinney have pushed the transition of the British Deaf Association from a Deaf organisation ( with the ' Wheelchair Mentality ') into a BSL organisation.

BSL and recognised
BSL was recognised as a language in its own right by the UK government on 18 March 2003, but it has no legal protection.
The new format was a success, and with this the BBC recognised BSL as a language.

BSL and on
Incorporated in Delaware as a domestic corporation on June 27, 1919, the Black Star Line, Inc. ( BSL ) was capitalized at ten million dollars.
Samus is certain that the Federation underestimates the destructive power of the X Parasites, and takes it upon herself to destroy the BSL station by setting it on a collision course with SR388.
** Girard ( BSL station ), a subway station on serving the Broad Street Line
His corpse turns up again in Metroid Fusion on the BSL station, where it is infected with an X parasite, allowing it to gain the ability to transform into Ridley.
It was developed by IBM in the late 1960s, under the name Basic Systems Language ( BSL ), as a replacement for assembly language on internal software projects ; it included support for inline assembly and explicit control over register usage.
She was involved in setting up and then teaching on the British Sign Language Tutor Training Course-the first university course for training deaf people to become BSL tutors.
NISL is described as being related to Irish Sign Language ( ISL ) at the syntactic level while the lexicon is based on British Sign Language ( BSL ) and American Sign Language ( ASL ).
As with PSE the balance of BSL signs to English varies greatly depending on the signer's knowledge of the two languages.

BSL and similar
The sign languages used in Australia and New Zealand, Auslan and New Zealand Sign Language, respectively, evolved largely from 19th century BSL, and all retain the same manual alphabet and grammar and possess similar lexicons.

BSL and level
Course entry requirements vary from no previous knowledge of BSL to NVQ level 6 BSL ( or equivalent ).
Due to the lack of a licensed vaccine or antiviral therapies, HeV and NiV are designated as biosafety level ( BSL ) 4 agents.

BSL and Irish
BSL is also distinct from Irish Sign Language ( ISL ) ( ISG in the ISO system ) which is more closely related to French Sign Language ( LSF ) and ASL.
This introduced the London and Edinburgh dialects of BSL to Melbourne and Sydney respectively and Irish Sign Language to Sydney in Roman Catholic schools for the deaf.
The Irish Deaf Society says that ISL " arose from within deaf communities ", " was developed by deaf people themselves " and " has been in existence for hundreds of years ", but according to Ethnologue the language arose in its current form in 1846 and 1849 in the girls ' and boys ' schools respectively, BSL having been introduced in Dublin in 1816.
A number of practitioners see Northern Ireland Sign Language as a distinct and separate language from both BSL and ISL though " many ' Anglo-Irish ' Northern Irish signers argue against the use of the acronym NISL and believe that while their variety is distinct, it is still a part of British Sign Language.

BSL and .
The BSL Fingerspelling Alphabet.
British Sign Language ( BSL ) is the sign language used in the United Kingdom ( UK ), and is the first or preferred language of some deaf people in the UK ; there are 125, 000 deaf adults in the UK who use BSL plus an estimated 20, 000 children.
Many thousands of people who are not deaf also use BSL, as hearing relatives of deaf people, sign language interpreters or as a result of other contact with the British deaf community.
From the 1970s there has been an increasing tolerance and instruction in BSL in schools.
Like many other sign languages, BSL phonology is defined by elements such as hand shape, orientation, location, and motion.
BSL uses a topic – comment structure.
Further information will be available after the completion of the BSL corpus is completed and allows for comparison with the Auslan corpus and the Sociolinguistic Variation in New Zealand Sign Language project.
The sign language used in Sri Lanka is also closely related to BSL despite the oral language not being English, demonstrating the distance between sign languages and spoken ones.
BSL has many regional dialects.
Many British television channels broadcast programmes with in-vision signing, using BSL, as well as specially made programmes aimed mainly at deaf people such as the BBC's See Hear and Channel 4's VEE-TV.
BSL is used in some educational establishments, but is not always the policy for deaf children in some local authority areas.
* NVQ Level 6 – Required as part of the NVQ Level 6 BSL / English Interpreting.
The British Deaf Association has formed the BSL Academy to provide an official British Sign Language curriculum and tutor training.
Saying: wiktionary: thank you | thank you in BSL.
Once registered with an approved course and having demonstrated their BSL is NVQ 4 standard interpreters are then eligible for the " Trainee Interpreter " title and can work in a wider variety of settings.

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