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Coconut and palms
Coconut palms on Clipperton ; the lagoon is visible beyond the trees
Coconut palms were introduced in the 1890s, and a few still survive.
Coconut palms planted by the guano diggers did not thrive, although a few dilapidated trees may still be seen.
Coconut palms are believed to be largely cross-pollinated, although some dwarf varieties are self-pollinating.
Coconut palms require warm conditions for successful growth, and are intolerant of cold weather.
Coconut palms in the warm, tropical climate in Brazil.
Coconut palms are cultivated in more than 80 countries of the world, with a total production of 61 million tonnes per year .< ref > Food And Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Both parents take part in building the nest, which is a platform of sticks placed on trees and sometimes even on Coconut palms.
Coconut trees are plentiful in the suburbs and thus the epithet of “ The city of the palms ”, name with which is known poetically.
In the background: Pisonia forest and a row of non-indigenous Coconut palms on Nake Islet.
Coconut palms were planted on the island by Arundel in 1881 and copra was produced until 1891.
Coconut palms, the national tree, are able to grow almost everywhere on the Islands.
Casuarina equisetifolia trees and Coconut palms fringe the coast.

Coconut and provide
* In certain parts of India, especially coastal areas, the Coconut tree is referred to as Kalpavriksha or kalpataru because of its ability to amply provide for human needs.

Coconut and good
Coconut crabs are abundant in the lagoon, and fishing is good on the outer reef.

Coconut and example
Coconut juice is an example of this.
He further gave the example of Indian dynasties like Kadamba ( a tree name ) of Banavasi, Pallava ( Sanskrit word for " branch and twig ") of Kanchi and Narikela-Kramukanvaya ( Narikela a Sanskrit word for the Coconut ) of Champa.
Coconut appears in many Samoan dishes, for example palusami, a parcel of coconut cream wrapped in taro leaves baked in the umu.

Coconut and species
** Genus Cocadviroid ; type species: Coconut cadang-cadang viroid 246-247 nt
Elsewhere outside the park, all of these species can be seen around Grand Cayman, including Coconut Palm, Casuarina Pine, Mangrove, and Poinciana trees.
** Genus Cocadviroid ; type species: Coconut cadang-cadang viroid

Coconut and .
The resignation of the Rev. Warren I. Densmore, headmaster of St. Stephen's Episcopal Day School in Coconut Grove, becomes effective July 15.
COCONET, a BBS system made by Coconut Computing, Inc., was released in 1988 and only supported a GUI interface ( no text interface was available ), and worked in EGA / VGA graphics mode, which made it stand out from the text-based BBS systems.
A number of companies wanted to license the COCONET GUI but Coconut Computing chose not to, and as a result, a competing approach called Remote Imaging Protocol ( RIP ) emerged and was promoted by Telegrafix in the early to mid 1990s but it never became widespread.
Coconut water is a highly nutritious and refreshing juice.
In 1967, Stoddart described the land area of Diego Garcia as having a littoral hedge of Scaevola taccada, while inland, Cocos nucifera ( Coconut ) was the most dominant tree, covering most of the island.
Coconut crab s are protected on Diego Garcia.
Dave Thomas became an education advocate and founded the Dave Thomas Education Center in Coconut Creek, Florida, which offers GED classes to young adults.
Thomas, realizing that his success as a high school dropout might convince other teenagers to quit school ( something he later claimed was a mistake ), became a student at Coconut Creek High School.
Coconut Coir is colonized with trichoderma Fungi, which protects roots and stimulates root growth.
Permanent settlement started by 1882, mainly by workers in coconut plantations and fishermen but, due to an extreme drought which killed off tens of thousands of Coconut Palms --- about 75 % of Christmas Island's population of this plant --- the island was once again abandoned between 1905 and 1912.
Coconut trees abound in the Pacific's tropical islands.
Coconut fudge cakes, ' Zucre Coco ', are popular also.
Coconut oil making in the early 1970s.
On 30 July 1980, amidst the brief Coconut War, the Republic of Vanuatu was created.
Coconut vinegar, made from fermented coconut water, is used extensively in Southeast Asian cuisine ( particularly in the Philippines and Sri Lanka, major producers, where it is called suka ng niyog or vinakiri ), as well as in some cuisines of India, especially Goan cuisine.
The Coconut crab uses structures called Branchiostegal lungs to breathe air and indeed will drown in water, hence it breathes on land and holds its breath underwater.
* Coconut brandy is a brandy made from the sap of coconut flowers.
In 1970, Crawford was presented with the Cecil B. DeMille Award by John Wayne at the Golden Globes, which was telecast from the Coconut Grove at The Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles.
Coconut fruit in the wild are light, buoyant and highly water resistant, and evolved to disperse significant distances via marine currents.
On 28 December 2005, John Teiwa of the Coconut Industry Development Authority announced that a 20-year plan for the coconut industry would be launched in 2006.

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