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Described and most
Described by Frank Rich of the New York Times as " now the greatest and perhaps best-known artist in the American musical theater ", his most famous works include ( as composer / lyricist ) A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, Company, Follies, A Little Night Music, Sweeney Todd, Sunday in the Park with George and Into the Woods.
Described as " the most eclectic and unpredictable of the literary world's annual gongs ", Michelle Pauli posed the question in relation to the longlist for the 2004 edition: " Where would you find Michael Dobbs and Tony Parsons up against Umberto Eco and Milan Kundera for a100, 000 prize?
Described as " Britain's fifth most important political party " in 1986 it played a prominent role in the 1989 – 1991 mass anti-poll tax movement which was widely thought to have led to the downfall of British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.
Described variously by modern scholars as " warped "," perverted "," malicious ", and " psychopathic ", Efnysien is often considered to be one of the most vivid and interesting characters to appear in the four branches.
Described by Livy as one of the Capitae Etruriae ( Etruscan capitals ), Arezzo is believed to have been one of the twelve most important Etruscan cities — the so-called Dodecapolis.
Described by Allmovie as " one of the most unique and distinguished of all Hollywood actors ", Scheider was nominated for two Academy Awards, a Golden Globe Award and a BAFTA Award.
Described by many as the most anti-traditional of the Abstract Expressionists, Still is credited with laying the groundwork for the movement.
Described as one of Australia's most accomplished songbirds, the Australian Magpie has an array of complex vocalisations.
Described by Walter Robinson as ‘ nothing less than a complete Pop cosmology ,’ Large Field Array comprises 300 modular units, most formed from into implied 2-foot cubes ; the cubes are arranged into a grid occupying both the floor and walls of a gallery when installed.
Described as the world's most prominent and prolific film composer by Time, his works are notable for integrating Eastern classical music with electronic music sounds, world music genres and traditional orchestral arrangements.
Described by Allmovie as " one of the most memorable roles in one of the most memorable films of the decade ", Patrick's portrayal of the T-1000 earned him nominations for Best Villain and Best Supporting Actor at the 1992 MTV and Saturn Awards and was ranked # 39 in the Online Film Critics Society's " Top 100 Villains of All Time " in 2002, and # 29 on Wizard magazine's " Top 100 Greatest Villains Ever " list.
Described as " one of the most popular members of the royal family ", Princess Alexandra and her family have come under media scrutiny at various times in her life.
Described as " the most influential cell biologist ever ", in 1974 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine, together with Albert Claude and Christian de Duve.
Described as " perhaps the most ridiculously named Pokémon " of the original 151 by The Virginian-Pilot, Jigglypuff has been noted as one of the series ' most popular characters and one of Nintendo's mascots.
Described as " quiet " and " assiduously private ", Stump kept a fairly low profile for most of his tenure.
Described by WWE ( formerly the WWF ) chairman Vince McMahon as the most profitable wrestler in the company's history, he gained significant mainstream popularity in the WWF during the mid-to-late 1990s as " Stone Cold " Steve Austin, a disrespectful, beer-drinking antihero who routinely defied McMahon, his boss.
Described as a " masterpiece of Gupta-Chalukyan art ", the most important sculpture in the caves is the Trimurti, carved in relief at the back of the cave facing the entrance, on the north-south axis.
Described by WWE as " a favorite among WWE fans for his unbelievable athleticism and wrestling ability ," Benoit was widely regarded as one of the most popular, respected, and gifted technical wrestlers in history.
Described by Heylin as " the most realized song on Another Side ", " To Ramona " is one of the most celebrated songs on the album.
Described as " one of the most prominent Liberal barristers in the first half of the 20th century " and " the Lord Chancellor that never was ", Birkett was noted for his skill as a speaker, which helped him defend clients with almost watertight cases against them.
Described as the " most momentous piece of legislation in the field of railway law to have been enacted since the Railway and Canal Traffic Act 1854 ", it was passed by Harold Macmillan's Conservative government to dissolve the British Transport Commission ( BTC ), which had been established by Clement Attlee's Labour government in 1947 to oversee railways, canals and road freight transport.

Described and comprehensive
Described as " the first ever comprehensive series on the natural history of the world's oceans ", each of the eight 50-minute episodes examines a different aspect of marine life.
He published many important works on geology, including Rocks Classified and Described: a Treatise on Lithology ( translated by Philip Henry Lawrence, 1866 ), one of the first comprehensive works on the subject issued in the English language, which gave great impetus to the study of rocks in Britain.

Described and program
Described as a " fully converged music industry simulation game " and " part TV show, part Internet game ," the program allowed viewers to register at the network's website and buy " stock " in popular artists, songs, and albums.
Described as a natural extension of Transcendental Meditation, the purpose of the TM-Sidhi program is to accelerate the benefits gained from the Transcendental Meditation technique by training the mind to think from the level of Transcendental Consciousness, the source of thought.
Described as the " largest self-funded program of its kind ", the program provides " nursing home care, residential assisted living, home health care, homemaker services and adult day care ".

Described and ever
Described as the most formidable candidate that the Democrats had ever nominated for governor, Butler s race against Whig candidate William Owsley was close.
Described in its opening credits as " an account of one of the most mishandled and brutal battles ever fought in Britain ", Culloden was hailed as a breakthrough for its cinematography as well as its use of non-professional actors and its presentation of an historical event in the style of modern TV war reporting.
* " Waltz in Swing Time ": Described by one critic as " the finest piece of pure dance music ever written for Astaire ", this is the most virtuosic partnered romantic duet Astaire ever committed to film.
* Marina Larsen Described on cover Vol. 17, No. 12 ( December 1982 ) as '... the most beautiful girl we've ever seen '
Described in promotional materials as " the most ambitious American miniseries ever created ," Amerika aired for 14½ hours ( including commercials ) over seven nights ( beginning February 15, 1987 ), and reportedly cost US $ 40 million to produce.
Described by Amnesty International as, "... one of the most compelling cases of apparent innocence that human rights campaigners have ever seen ," Richey's case became something of a cause célèbre in the United Kingdom.
Described by Derek Birkett " one of the best things Björk s ever done ", the track was well received by music critics.
Described as " the greatest batsman ever known until the appearance of W. G. Grace ", the right-hand batting Pilch played 229 first class cricket matches between 1820 and 1854 for an assortment of counties, including Kent, Hampshire, Surrey and Surrey, as well as Norfolk and Cambridge Town.
Described by Wisden as ' arguably the best wicket-keeper the game has ever seen ', Evans collected 219 dismissals in 91 Test match appearances between 1946 and 1959 and a total of 1066 in all first-class matches.
' Described most recently as “ art-rock installation paratroopers ” anda studied form of New Wave anarchism ” by Flash Art, a “ Performance Galaxy ” by Vanity Fair, “ Super hard, incredibly fast and overall inspiring ” by Thrasher, “ more accessible than other bands of its genre ” by the New Yorker, andthe best band ever, straight up ” by Tokion.

Described and by
Described by its creator as " an average stone-age community ," Dogpatch mostly consists of hopelessly ramshackle log cabins, pine trees, " tarnip " fields and " hawg " wallows.
Described by Bowie as " Ziggy goes to America ", it contained songs he wrote while travelling to and across the United States during the earlier part of the Ziggy tour, which now continued to Japan to promote the new album.
Described as the linguistic approach to the treatment of expressive aphasia, treatment begins by emphasizing and educating patients on the thematic roles of words within sentences .< ref name =" TUF "> Thompson CK, Shapiro LP.
Described as the " Maestro's spiritual testament ” by his biographer Tullio Kezich, excerpts culled from the conversations later served as the basis of their feature documentary, Fellini: I'm a Born Liar ( 2002 ) and the book, I'm a Born Liar: A Fellini Lexicon.
Described by one source as a " determined, rather plodding organizer ", he failed to obtain a degree, but, according to the Jesuit priest, Father François Ponchaud, he acquired a taste for the classics of French literature as well as for the writings of Karl Marx.
Described another way, the signals transmitted by the control store are being played much like a player piano roll.
Described by historian Walter Goffart as " the bible of warfare throughout the Middle Ages ", De re militari was widely distributed through the Latin West.
Described by the Government as " The oldest military formation in the Republic, nominated in the statutes of 1295 ", its uniform is medieval in design, and although it is a statutory military unit, it has no actual military function today.
Described as a glam rock band, because of flamboyant costumes and make-up, Skyhooks addressed teenage issues including buying drugs (" Carlton ( Lygon Street Limbo )"), suburban sex (" Balwyn Calling "), the gay scene (" Toorak Cowboy ") and loss of girlfriends (" Somewhere in Sydney ") by namechecking Australian locales.
Described as " a typical New York butch " and " a dyke — stone butch ", she had been hit on the head by an officer with a billy club for, as one witness claimed, complaining that her handcuffs were too tight.
Described as a place of unending Springtime and a paradise of green plants, Tlalocan was the destination in the afterlife for those who died violently from phenomena associated with water, such as by lightning, drowning and water-borne diseases ( Miller and Taube, 1993 ).
Described by the first English ambassador to the Mughal court Sir Thomas Roe.
Described by many as about " the meaning of life " or " gender identification " or " the hollow existence of the American suburbs ", the film has defied categorization by even the filmmakers.
Described in detail by eyewitness Thomé Lopes and chronicler Gaspar Correia as one that is unequalled in cold-blooded cruelty, da Gama looted the ship with over 400 pilgrims on board including 50 women, locked in the passengers, the owner and an ambassador from Egypt and burnt them to death.
Described later by Friedrich List, it was designed to allow the fledgling American manufacturing sector, largely centered on the eastern seaboard, to compete with British manufacturing through the creation of tariffs.
Hydotherikornis oregonus ( Described by Miller in 1931 ), the oldest purported alcid from the Eocene of California, is actually a petrel ( as reviewed by Chandler in 1990 ) and is reassigned to the tubenoses ( Procellariiformes ).
Described by Mark Bowden in his investigative work Killing Pablo, the sicarios played a key role in the wave of violence against police and authorities during the early 1990s campaign by the government to capture and extradite fugitive drug lord Pablo Escobar and other partners in the Medellin cocaine cartel.
Described scientifically by English naturalist John Latham in 1790, the Black Swan was formerly placed into a monotypic genus, Chenopis.
Described by many today as one of America's more " historical cities ", Wilkes-Barre has gained considerable bad press ( although it is not a major nationally recognized location ) since the Knox Mine Disaster.
" Described by writer Johannes Jonsson as " slow black metal with influences from Nordic folk music ", it has been considered a category of folk metal.
* Pacal's sarcophagus lid: Described by Erich von Däniken as a depiction of a spaceship.

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