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Eichmann and director
In his capacity as Mossad director he oversaw the capture and covert transportation to Israel, of Holocaust organizer Adolf Eichmann.

Eichmann and Department
Adolf Eichmann was Müller's direct subordinate and head of Department IV, Section B4, which dealt with Jews.
John Loftus, who worked in the United States Department of Justice Office of Special Investigations Nazi-hunting unit, claims Adolf Eichmann, while on a mission to the Middle East, met with Philby " during the mid-1930s ".
* Stanley Tucci as SS-Obersturmbannführer Adolf Eichmann: Head of RSHA Department IV B4.
In 1961, when he was the chairman of the Psychology Department of Long Island University in Brooklyn, Gilbert was summoned to testify in the trial of Adolf Eichmann in Jerusalem.
The direct command authority for the camp itself was the Inspector of Concentration Camps, to which the Commandant reported to directly, yet the camp also received orders from the RSHA ( specifically Department IV-B4 under Adolf Eichmann ), the Office of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia ( under Reinhard Heydrich ), and the office of the local SS and Police Leader.

Eichmann and Third
One of Adolf Eichmann's deputies, Dieter Wisliceny, stated after the war that al-Husseini had actively encouraged the extermination of European Jews, and that he had had an elaborate meeting with Eichmann at his office, during which Eichmann gave him an intensive look at the current state of theSolution of the Jewish Question in Europe ” by the Third Reich.

Eichmann and Reich
He was member of the Reich Security Main Office Special Action Command " Eichmann " ( RSHA Sondereinsatzkommando Eichmann ).
The leading perpetrators like Adolf Eichmann or Odilo Globocnik originally spent about 80 percent of their work on resettlement issues and only 10 percent on theJewish Question .” Thus, the job of implementing the Holocaust appears to be rather “ unpleasant ,” but forms an inseparable part of building the Great German Reich in the East.

Eichmann and Security
On January 11, 1943, Höfle sent a radiogram from Lublin to SS-Obersturmbannführer Franz Heim in Kraków, who was at the time the deputy commander of the Security Police and SD in the General Government, and to SS-Obersturmbannführer Adolf Eichmann in Berlin.
* Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion of Israel surprised the Knesset at, with the announcement that, " Israeli Security Services captured one of the greatest Nazi criminals, Adolf Eichmann ... Eichmann is already in detention in Israel, and will soon be put on trial here.

Eichmann and Office
He also served as chief legal advisor in the Office for Jewish Affairs in the Ministry of Interior, the section headed by Adolf Eichmann that implemented the Holocaust bureaucratically.
Adolf Eichmann headed the Gestapo's Office of Resettlement and then its Office of Jewish Affairs ( the Amt IV section called Referat IV B4 ).
Eventually, Eichmann set up a Central Office so that all arrangements for emigration could be made in one location.

Eichmann and during
" The distinction was evident during the Nuremberg trials, when Dieter Wisliceny ( a deputy to Adolf Eichmann ) was asked to name the extermination camps, and he identified Auschwitz and Majdanek as such.
* Testimony of Treblinka survivor Ya ' akov Wiernik during the Adolf Eichmann trial: nizkor. org
: Serling meted out nightmarish justice of a worse kind in " Deaths-Head Revisited " ( directed by Don Medford ), Serling's statement on the Holocaust, written in reaction to the then-ongoing Eichmann trial, in which a former Nazi, played by Oscar Beregi, on a nostalgic visit to Dachau, is haunted and ultimately driven insane by the ghosts of inmates he had killed there during the war.
Eichmann stated that he had only been introduced to al-Husseini during an official reception, along with all other department heads.
Judge Raveh asked Eichmann whether he thought he had really lived according to the categorical imperative during the war.
During the post-war Nuremberg Trials, Nazi war criminals — and, later, Adolf Eichmann during his trial in Israel — used the Führerprinzip concept to argue that they were not guilty for war crimes by claiming that they were only following orders.
He was an acquaintance of Adolf Eichmann, who played a major role in the extermination of Jews and others during the Holocaust.
Adolf Eichmann testified about the camp during his trial.
In 1962 during the trial in Israel of Adolf Eichmann, evidence showed that Wolff had organised the deportation of Italian Jews in 1944.
Icchak Cukierman testifies for the prosecution during the trial of Adolf Eichmann.
Kovner testified about his experiences during the war at the trial of Adolf Eichmann.
An example of this is the still-controversial case of Rudolf Kastner in Israel, in which the term was used in reference to Kastner's alleged collaboration with Adolf Eichmann during the Holocaust in 1944 Hungary.
The term was used in a derogatory way during the 1940s by "' militant ' Zionists ", but the 1963 publication of Hannah Arendt's Eichmann in Jerusalem opened a new chapter.

Eichmann and Second
The same book recalls how Siri seems to have turned a blind eye to the assistance given by one or two of his clergy to members of the German National Socialist Party, including Adolf Eichmann, fleeing to South America after the Second World War.

Eichmann and War
War criminal Adolf Eichmann in passport used to enter Argentina: his conscience spoke with the " respectable voice " of the indoctrinated wartime German society about him.
In the 1986 television series War and Remembrance, Johns took the role of the senior Nazi SS officer Adolf Eichmann.

Eichmann and had
Milgram devised his psychological study to answer the question: " Was it that Eichmann and his accomplices in the Holocaust had mutual intent, in at least with regard to the goals of the Holocaust?
" Hannah Arendt in her study of the " trial " of Adolf Eichmann in Jerusalem, notes that the accused, as with almost all his fellow Germans, had lost track of his conscience to the point where they hardly remembered it ; this wasn't caused by familiarity with atrocities or by psychologically redirecting any resultant natural pity to themselves for having to bear such an unpleasant duty, so much as by the fact that anyone whose conscience did develop doubts could see no one who shared them: " Eichmann did not need to close his ears to the voice of conscience ... not because he had none, but because his conscience spoke with a " respectable voice ", with the voice of the respectable society around him ".
As Hannah Arendt wrote in her book on the trial, Eichmann declared " with great emphasis that he had lived his whole life ... according to a Kantian definition of duty.
" Eichmann had acknowledged that he understood the implications of what he was doing but continued to obey his orders his Kantian duty nonetheless.
* Adolf Eichmann ( 29 January 1934-October 1934 ) ( Eichmann claimed that his unit had nothing to do with the concentration camp )
Eichmann argued he was simply " doing his job " and maintained he had always tried to act in accordance with Kant's categorical imperative.
Arendt also points out that "... people like Eichmann, who had risen from the ranks, were never permitted to advance beyond a lieutenant colonel the rank of Obersturmbannführer except at the front.
The choice of Kramer to leave the New York Times, where he had been the newspaper's chief art critic, and start a magazine devoted to ideas and the arts " surprised a lot of people and was a statement in itself ," according to Erich Eichmann.
Then-FBI Director William Webster had opposed an earlier bid to snatch Yunis, arguing that the United States should not adopt the tactics of Israel, which had abducted Adolf Eichmann on a residential street in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1960 ...
Swedish diplomat / rescuer Raoul Wallenberg, also present, later informed Perlasca that the officer who had challenged him was none other than Adolf Eichmann.

Eichmann and played
He played the title role in the 1961 film Operation Eichmann.
Höss was commandant of the infamous Auschwitz concentration camp, whilst Eichmann is generally regarded as a key architect of the Nazi's Endlösung ( Final Solution ) policy in which Auschwitz played so major a role.
Malkin's most famous mission was on May 11, 1960, when he and a team of Mossad agents led by Rafi Eitan captured Adolf Eichmann, a top Nazi official who played a principal role in organizing the Shoah ( Nazi Holocaust ), in Argentina.
He played Nazi villains in several later films, as Rudolf Höss in Operation Eichmann ( 1961 ) and Gregor Strasser in Hitler ( 1962 ).
In 1978 he came to worldwide attention portraying Adolf Eichmann in the Emmy-winning tv-series Holocaust, and he received a BAFTA nomination for the series Out, in which he played convicted armed robber, Frank Ross.
Afterwards, in Israel, he played a role in the capture of Adolf Eichmann.

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